Chapter 9

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Jades POV (tw!!!alcohol and violence)
After the boys picked us up they took us back home and I haven't spoken to Tori since. But there's this feeling in my gut that's telling me I need to talk to her. Not like she's hurt, but because I just want to hear from her again.

But it's Sunday, so I'll see her tomorrow at school. I came out of my room for some water and my dad was yelling and slurring at my younger bother. "Dad. Just stop you're drunk"

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. He's the reason mom and I used condoms after and now aren't even married" he leaned down into his face. My brother Zack is in 8th grade, and we may not get along very well I'll always stand up to him against my parents.

I pulled him behind me and took the beer bottle out of my dads hand. "Come on dad. You can't blame us for your problems. Mom and you both have issues. That doesn't involve Zack and I" he started to get angry. "Listen here you little shit" he said pointing his finger on my chest. "No. I won't listen. I'm tired of listening." I pushed Zack farther back so he didn't get hurt.

I knew what was coming and honestly I didn't care at this point. I was going to let it happen. He took his hand and punched me in the nose then again in the eye. He walked away and into his room. Zack was screaming and crying at him. I took his hand and we went into my room.

He got me a towel and we sat on my bed together. "You gotta stop fighting my battles" he said to me. "Zack. I will never let you deal with any of this on your own. Understand me? I don't care if I upset you, I'm your big sister and I'm going to protect you against dad." He shook his head and hugged me. It was weird.. I haven't had a hug in a while but I hugged him back.

"Next month I turn 18, you and I are going to live in an apartment. I already have money saved up" he smiled at me. "I know, you take good care of me" he left my room and went into his own, I got up and went into the bathroom.

I looked at my puffy eye, and saw a slight bruise started to form around it. Shit. I took the towel off my nose and saw it was still kind of bleeding. So I decided to just take a shower.

I got out and looked at my face again. My eye looked worse, my nose wasn't bleeding but it was swollen. I saw it was 8:30. I had too much on my mind I needed to go for a walk or a run or something.

I texted Zack I'd be back soon, and if dad gets violent to leave and I'll find him. I put my shoes on and left.

It started with a walk but as my feelings got more intense I ran faster and faster. All the thoughts of mom and dad, and how I was falling for a girl. How Zack is in danger and I can't do anything about it. I ran until my lungs felt like they were going to collapse.

I stopped and laid down on the cold ground. It was already starting to get dark out. I didn't recognize where I was, I saw there was an ice cream shop across the street. Then I saw three people walk out of the shop. I recognized the laugh of one of them.

I sat up "cat!" I yelled and got her attention. The three of them looked and came over to me. "Jade your face!" Tori said very concerned. She grabbed my face and pulled it closer. "I'm fine Vega" I said pulling away from her. I tried to stand up but I was too weak.

Tori and Andre helped me up. "Thanks"  "we will take you home" Tori said. Andre and Cat walked back to the car and left me and Tori alone. I'm guessing on purpose. "Jade, what happened to your face?" She said more sternly this time. I sighed.

"My dad" she gasped "what?" I sighed "look Vega I don't even tell beck this stuff. Promsje me you'll keep your mouth shut" she held out her pinky and I wrapped mine around hers. "I was protecting my bother from my drunk and angry dad. I stood up to him and he punched me in the nose and in the eye."

"Jade.." she said so sweetly my heart wanted to explode. She carefully placed her hands on my face again and this time I didn't pull away. "Come back to my house and I'll put some ice on it" oh I wish.

"I can't Vega. My brother is alone with my dad right now, I should get back to him" she took her head. "I'll take you home" she dropped Cat and Andre off first since there houses are on the way.

She pulled into my drive way and turned the car off. "Vega.. whag are you doing?" She smiled. "Taking care of your face cause I know you won't" she got out of the car and I followed behind her walking towards my house "you don't have to do this" I said and she ignored me.

She walked in like she lived there and walked into the kitchen. I followed her. She opened the freezer and saw ice packs sitting in there. She pulled one out and put it in a towel. She carefully placed it on my eye and held it there. I got butterflies not only seeing how much she cared for me in her actions but in her eyes.

She held it there for 20 minutes and lifted it up. "It looks better already" she smiled. She looked at her phone and I saw her mom had texted and called her. She called her mom back and I looked at my eye on the camera.

"I'm just at Jades." She said "yeah I'll be there soon." She hung up and looked at me. "I have to go now, but I'm a few minutes put it on your eye for 20 minutes again" I nodded. "Please Jade. Be careful" I smiled at the cute brunette "yes ma'am" she rolled her eyes and left my house.

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