Chapter 2

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Toris POV

I turn my lamp on my nightstand off and laid down in bed.

That's when Trina came barging into my room without warning. "Tori!" She yells. "What!?" I say annoyed.

"Mom won't drive me to the mall!" She complains. "Trina, your car may be broken. But I am not driving you to the mall! I'm trying to sleep!" I say pulling the covers over my head.

I"Tori it's only 11!" She whines. "Only!? We have school tomorrow! Get out!" I say louder then my normal tone.

"Trina leave Tori alone!" My mom yelled up stairs. Trina groaned and luckily left but not before slamming my door.

With that I heard my phone go off.

Beck "Hey, Tori I need to talk to you and Jade when you guy's have the chance tomorrow"

Tori "alright, I can talk!"

Beck "just don't tell Jade, she'll never go if she knows you'll be there."
Beck "Thanks Tor! Goodnight"

Tori "Np, Goodnight"

Okay, now I can go to bed.

Jades POV

"You're such a brat!" I yell at my little brother as I go into my room. Honestly he is, he's so annoying and thinks he's so prefect and he's such a stuck up!

I lay in bed and hear my phone ding.

Beck "Goodnight Jade, love you❤ also I need to talk to you tomorrow sometime, nothing bad."

Jade "Night,love you. And alright better not be!"

Ugh he scares me when he says he needs to talk, what if he breaks up with me? What if he found someone better? Prettier? Nicer? Ugh! He said it wasn't bad, so maybe I shouldn't worry?

"Jade West did you call your brother a brat!"
I hear from you the stairs. I don't say a word, I just turn my light off and roll over.

I'm getting more nervous as I walk to the lunch table, what if Beck breaks up with me? What if he tells me he's moving, ugh I wish I knew! "Hey Jade" Beck says as I sit down next to him.

"Hey babe" I say kissing his cheek while I can "So,you needed to talk to me?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, we just have to wait for Tori to get here" Tori?! Why  her!!. "Hiii" a very chirpy red head said as she sat down across from me.

"Hi Cat" I say in a very boring voice. "Was Tori behind you by any chance?" Beck asks. "No, but one time I was walking-"

"Hey guys!" Tori says thankfully interrupting her story. "Tori!" Cat says giving her a hug. "Cat I just saw you in class" she says hugging her back. "Oh yeah" Cat says as she sits back down along with Tori.

"So Beck, you needed to talk with Jade and I?" She asks. "Oh yeah" he says.

"Yeah, so Robbie and I came up with an idea for our project" he says.   "Where is he anyways?"
Andre asks. "He had to get out early for a doctors appointment or something."

"What is it?" Tori asked anxiously. "Well, remember when you used the example of you and Jade becoming friend's?" He said nervously.

I swear he better not be taking this where I think he is. Me and Tori exchange looks and stay silent for him to continue.

"Well, that's where you two come in" he says. "No!" I shout without letting him explain. "Please Jade, this is half my grade! I need you guy's to help me out!" He begs.

"Beck, you're a good guy and have done so much for me but no way am I gonna be friends with Jade!" Tori says to him.

"Guy's, I'll do anything, just please do this. For me" he says sweetly making me feel bad.

"Anything?" I ask with a smirk. "Anything, just please" "You can't be friend's with any girls besides Tori and Cat." I say. "Alright, deal." He said.

"What about me?" The little prick had to open her mouth. "A friendship with Jade, haven't you always wanted that?" Beck asks her. "I mean" Tori starts to say with an unsure look when she meets my eyes and sees the death stare behind them.

"ugh, okay I'll do it" she says rolling her eyes. "Thank you guys!" Beck says giving Tori a side hug and pecking me on the lips.

Tori's POV

The last bell finally rang and I made my way to the car. When I hear my name being called, which makes me stop dead in my tracks. "Yes?" I say turning around seeing Beck standing there. "Tori, are you busy tomorrow?" He asks me.

Tomorrows Friday  so I obviously have nothing going on. "No,why?"
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to see that new movie with us tomorrow" he says. "Yeah I'd love- wait who's us?" I ask suspicious.

"Me,Cat,Robbie,Jade,and Andre" he replies. "Okay yeah I'll be there" I say turning back around to head out the door "Ill drive us all there after school!"

He shouts as I'm walking out the door. I shoot him a thumbs up just so he knew I heard him. This should be an interesting year.

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