Chapter 22

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Tori's POV
It's been a few (long) weeks after I saw Jade and Beck locking lips. I've been avoiding her and she has done the same towards me. Jade started sitting elsewhere at lunch she said she didn't friends away from her ex boyfriend. Sycowitz had us do some partnering stuff for acting but after we did it we wouldn't speak another word to each other.

Christmas break came along and I spent it with my family, then Valentine's Day rolled around and Jade didn't bother showing up to school that day. It's now the end of March and I'm headed into school on a lovely (not) Monday morning.

"Good morning Miss.Vega" a teacher greeted me as I walked to my locker. "Good morning" I said unlocking my locker, and putting my lunch In it for later. "Have you seen Jade?" Becks voice echoed in my ear. "No. Sorry" he sighed.

"Everything okay?" I say looking over at the boy. "Yeah I just- I need to talk to Jade. I really really miss her" that makes two of us. I raise a brow at him "she broke up with you again huh?" Oh yes, and the couple got back together over Christmas break.

"On Friday" he sighed. "I hate to break it to you Beck but maybe it's just not meant to be. She seems like she doesn't know what she wants, and that's not fair to you to be put through that" he nodded. "There are better girls out there then Jade" I just can't believe she's so back and forth on everyone.

He nods "you're right, thanks Tori." I nod and he headed off down the hallway. I went into the classroom early and of course the raven hair girl was sitting in there alone. I tried to leave before being spotted but failed.

"Tori!" Sycowitz said. "I'll be back, I have to go use the bathroom" he puts his hand up "be back soon the bell will ring" I nod my head walk around the corner waiting for more kids to head in there. Finally the bell did ring and I piled in with the rest of them.

Jades POV

I have to admit, sitting alone at lunch sucks, so I look at the table with my 'friends' and see neither Beck or Tori there. So I decided to sit down anyways.

"Beck was looking for you" Robbie says. I groan "why?" He shrugs "something about wanting to get back with you" Andre says taking a bite of his food. I throw my face into my hands and they all noticed my frustration.

"What's wrong Jade?" I ignore Andre. "Jade I know we aren't your friends. But you are our friend, and we want to help you" he said softly. I looked up at the boys and Cat and rolled my eyes. "You've been not your self for months." Robbie nodded his head agreeing "yeah Jade, we won't sit here and watch you fall apart any longer."

"I wouldn't know where to start" I say. Andre puts his food down giving me his attention. "Try us" they all look at me and nod. I let out a big sigh, Here goes nothing. "When I left Beck in October there was a reason behind it" I look up and they are still looking at me listening.

Gosh why am I so nervous. "When Tori and I were left alone, I realized, or so I thought I realized I liked her." I look up and they all look a little shocked but don't say anything letting me talk.

"I left Beck, and a few days later Tori and I kissed. After that we had this whole secret love thing going, then she told me she loved me and I knew I didn't feel that way about her. Beck came and kissed me and that's when I knew I didn't actually like Tori, I just liked being the 'guy'" they nod.

"Jade..." Andre starts off "your little love affair was no secret to any of us, we all knew. It was obvious" I give me a nervous look. "Yeah Jade, and the way you looked at Tori... I think it's deeper then just being the guy figure." Robbie says.

"You like Tori. Why else would you keep trying to leave Beck?" Cat said. "Why would you avoid us for a few months?" Robbie asked. "And why would you still be avoiding Tori?" Andre finished.

I looked between them all and Robbie gave a soft smile. "You care for her jade, you care how you made her feel. You care how she feels now and you want to be back in her life" I nod. I do. I really do.

"Go talk to her" I shake my head. "I-I can't. I've hurt her and haven't talked to her in months she's not going to want to talk to me" Andre grabs my hand making me look up at him. "She will. She always will." I nod and stand up "right now?" They nod. "It's better now then never" I step out of the seat and search for Tori.

"Tori?" I yelled down the halls, nothing. I went into the bathroom and called the same thing. I was starving to give up and turned around "What?" I saw the girl standing behind me before my very own eyes. She was actually looking at me, we were talking.

"I- Tori I need to talk to you." She gives me a cold look at nods "talk" again, I'm nervous. "Tori, I made a mistake by choosing Beck over you. I- I left him for a reason and I guess I was just scared" she looked down at the floor but I still kept talking.

"I was scared because all of my life I've been treated horribly. No one has ever cared on me, no one ever took the time to get to know the small things about me and my life. You did, and I didn't know what to do. You told me you loved me and I've never even heard those words from my own parents."

She looked at me with tears in her eyes "so you go and kiss beck?" She says slightly angry. "No, Tori he kissed me. He came onto me, yes I let him. But I also didn't initiate it" she shakes her head. "Thanks for telling me this Jade, but you left me broken for months. I don't want to do this back and forth game with you" she said and started walking out of the bathroom.

I followed her and I took her hand "come here" she tried to pull away but I was too strong. I took her outside and I stood up on one of the lunch tables. "Jade what the fuck are you doing? Get down!" She hissed at me. I ignore her.

"There's this person who changed me, for the better of course. This person just makes everything right, their hand fits well in mine, their lips feel so right on my lips. And no, it's not Beck" I said looking over at the table of my friends who were cheering me on.

"It's Tori Vega." I said looking at her. "I messed up. I let her go and I shouldn't of but I'm sorry. And I do not expect to be given another chance, but I love you too Tori. I should've said it that day in the car, but I didn't. But I love you Tori... I really do" I said tears starting to fall down my eyes.

I see her sweet smile and she stands up on the table next to me. "Jade... you just came out to the school..." I nod. "I know, but I wanted you to know who serious I am." Her smile grows and she steps closer to me. "I love you too Jade" she grabbed my face and pulled my lips onto hers.

I felt the shivers run through my body as everyone cheered us on. Once she pulled away I saw Beck standing their smiling and clapping for us. I got down and helped her off the table. "Are you okay?" I asked Beck still holding onto Toris hand. He nodded "as long as if my friends are happy, I'm happy" he said pulling Tori and I both into a hug.

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