Chapter 3

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Jade's POV

"Mom told me to wake you up". are the first words I hear and I open my eyes. To my little brother going threw my stuff. "Oh thanks", I say rolling over and closing my eyes.

Then I realized what my brother was doing, and I jumped out of bed and he ran out yelling "Jade threatened me".

I know I didn't even threaten him but he always makes up lies to get me in trouble and I don't even care anymore.

I look at the time and it's 7:30 am. Why can't I just have a normal awakening? I start to get ready for school

I go down stairs and my mom is standing in the living room with my brother. "Hey sweetheart" my mom says "Hi" I say annoyed.

"Here's a 10 for lunch today, have fun" I force a smile and walk out to my car and drive to school.


Tori's POV

After school, as planed Beck drove us all to the movies and we got settled down. I went to sit next to Andre and Beck grabbed my hand.

"No no no. Sit by Jade, your friend" Beck smiled and I looked at Jade who had her arms crossed and watching the previews.

I sit in the empty seat between Cat and Jade. And Beck sits on the other side of Jade.

I sit next to her and she glares at me. "Just doing this for a project" I whisper to her.

"Shut up" she whispers back and Beck elbows her. "Ugh! Hi Tori" she says very fake and goes back to watching the previews.

How am I supposed to become friends with someone who is impossible to!! Eventually the lights go out and we watch the movie.

The movie ended and I looked at Jade who looked half asleep. "You tired?" I ask her. But with my luck she glares at me.

He drove us back to the school and we all make our way to the parking lot. "So,you two need to hang out" Beck says looking at me and Jade "Tori,can Jade go to your house?"

Beck asks me. "Y-yeah I guess" I say confused. "I'm not going to her house!" Jade says louder then normal to Beck.

"Please Jade,for me?" He says sweetly "ugh! Fine" Jade says. "Okay have a safe drive guy's".

Beck says pushing Jade towards my passenger seat. "Ugh!" Jade said opening the door and plopping down in the seat and slamming the door.

"So you ready to hang out at my house?" I ask her as I get in the car next to her. "Shut up" she snaps. This is gonna be fun.

I'm sorry it took me so long to punish more, I have a few to post! I hope you're enjoying it. And will try to add more regularly!:)

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