Chapter 16

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Tori's POV
I woke up next to this amazing woman with still no clothing on. I looked at my phone and it was 9am. I rolled out of bed throwing random clothes on my body and going into the bathroom. I started the shower, I took the clothes off and got into the warm water.

The way it clashed down onto my body. It felt so nice. I was rubbing the shampoo into my hair. I jumped at the sudden feel of hands around my waist. "What the hell Jade!" She had a grin on her face. "What?" I rolled my eyes going back to washing my hair.

"You do not need to scare me like that" she placed her hands along my back trancing up and down. "I enjoyed last night" she spoke softly. "I did too" I say facing her. "This whole thing is really special to me" she looked at me slightly confused.

"You being so valuable with me. Your feelings and with your body. I know you aren't like that with anyone and you are with me. I don't take that lightly" a smile appeared on her face. "You noticed huh?" I smile back and nod. "Of course I did Jade"

After the shower we got out and dried off and headed towards her room. "Here" she said handing me gray sweats and a blue tight fitting crop. "It's what I got that's not black" I giggle. She puts on the same thing just black pants and a white shirt.

She lays down trying the TV on. I join her on her bed watching whatever show was on. I slid my fingers in hers and she grabbed ahold tightly. "You are really beautiful Jade" she looked over at me with a blush across her face. "What?" I giggle. I get up and straddle her.

"I said you're beautiful" I took her hair and moved it away from her face. "I don't think anyone's ever told me that before" I roll my eyes. "You're kidding right?" She shook her head no shyly.

"Well they have eye issues then" she smiles and places her hands on my waist. She pulls me down closer and she kisses my soft lips. "You are beautiful as well Vega" I glare at her. "You will not give me a compliment ontop of my own compliments you hear?" She smiled shaking her head "okay okay"

I got up and headed towards her door. "Let's get you some coffee." She smiled following behind me.


My phone rings and I pick up "hello?" It's my mom. "Tori. It's getting late" I look at the time then out the phone back to my ear. "It's really not that late mom." She sighs. "Be home by 1." She said hanging up not giving me a chance.

I roll my eyes and look at the raven hair girl next to me. "It's okay" she said softly. I guess she's right. I give her a small kiss and put my shoes on and grab my keys. "I'll see you Monday" she says as she opens my car door for me.

"You don't have to do this" she glares at me "I can do what I want. Drive safe Vega" she planted a kiss on my lips and I drove off and back home.

I pull into my driveway at 12:40. I grab my phone and come inside. "Who's clothes are those?" My mom asks suspiciously. "Cats" she looked me up and down. "I've never seen Cat were those before" I nod my head "yep, that's why she let me wear them"

I mean I wasn't fully lying.

"Is your homework for the weekend done?" I groan "yes mom. It is." She sits down on the couch as I head upstairs. "You just got home where are you going?" I sigh.

"To my room?" She shakes her head "come sit" ugh. I sit down next to her like she says. I wouldn't mind spending time with my mom if she actually talked to me, or watched something we both liked.

I pulled out my phone and say a text "roll your eyes at me one more time Vega. Ill give you something to roll your eyes about." That text sent shivers down my spine. "Hhmm I'm not sure you could" I send back.

I noticed my mom was started to eye me and my phone so I put it down. "Who has all your attention recently?" I look over and see my mom looking at me curiously. "No one" she doesn't believe me.

"Beck and Robbie have this project and basically me and Jade need to become friends for it. So I have been texting her some a spending a little bit of time with her." She nods.

"Gosh if it wasn't for school i don't think id allow you to be friends with Jade. She's a nasty girl" I look at her. "Jade isn't nasty." She buffs in disbelief. "Jade is one of my friends. She always has been. We just could never see eye to eye before."

"Sweetie... I'm just saying. You should stick to Beck and Andre they are your normal friends" I stand up now angry at my mom.

"First of all there's nothing wrong with any of my friends, including Cat and Robbie. It's an art school, kids can actually express who they are because they will get bullied like kids like you in a regular school." My mom shook her head.

"Tori.." I stepped back "no mom. Jade is my friend and you will not ever get in the way of that." I stormed off to my room angrily, slamming the door behind me. "Damn Vega." I heard a voice from my butt talking. I pulled out my phone and saw Jade and I were on a call.

I put it to my ear and chuckle "did I butt dial you?" She laughs "yes. You did but I'm glad you did after the way you stood up for me." I sigh. "I'm sorry you had to hear what my mom said-" she cut me off "don't be. It's her feelings and most parents feel that way about me."

I nod as if she could see me. "I should go before I get in trouble for being on the phone" she agreed "Bye Vega" I smile "Bye jade" I hung it up and threw myself onto my bed. Just wait till she finds out what we did last night.

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