Chapter 19

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Tori's POV

"Tori..." I feel her moan into my mouth. "Yes Jade?" I say breaking apart our lips. I continued to use my fingers to play with her hole. "Tori make me cum" I use my fingers faster feeling the wetness her vagina is producing.

Beep beep beep.

Ugh. I roll over hitting the alarm on my alarm clock. I know how old school but my mother has my phone. She said if I stay home sick I needed to give her my phone. I throw on my clothes and head downstairs "here" my mom said coldly giving me my phone back.

I didn't say anything, I just walked out of the door and headed towards my car. Looking at my phone and seeing all the miss calls and miss texts from Jade. I hop in my car reading over them all.

I noticed some of them were already read... my mom. Shit.

"I'll explain everything at school. See you soon" I sent the text and drove to school, rather quickly, eager to see Jade I was speeding a little bit. Thankfully no cops saw and I jumped out of my car.

I see Jade looking at her phone in her car and I ran over and tapped on the window. She nearly jumped 7 feet and I smile. She unlocks the door and I jump in.

"Explain" she says sternly. Okay, so she's upset which I guess I can understand. "I wasn't feeling well, when I don't feel well and skip school my mom takes my phone and I wasn't able to tell you" she sighs thankful it wasn't more serious then that. "But..." she gets concerned.

"My mom might of read over our texts..." she chuckled nervously "That's okay, right?" I shake my head "Jade. Besides the fact my mom hates your guts... she's extremely homophobic." I watched the color drain from her face. "Tori..." I sigh.

"She hasn't said anything to me yet" she nods her head and stares straight across. I crawled over the center console straddling her in her lap. Not caring who saw us at this point.

I place my hands on her face looking into her soft green eyes. "Jade, no one can keep me from you. Not even my own mom" she gave a weak smile and I replaced it with my lips. "I love you" I whispered. Her eyes winded and we heard the bell ring from the parking lot.

I rush off her lap and we run into the doors and into first hour. "Tori and Jade... you're late" Sycowitz scolds (how tf do you spell his name?)
I look at the raven hair girl then glance around the room. Everyone acted as if they saw ghost.

We sat our seats and Sycowitz(?) laughed. "Im just kidding I don't care" he takes and seat on the step of the stage leaning into his hand "what were you guys doing?" He asks taking a sip of his coconut. "We were walking to class what do you think?" Jade said in her snarky voice.

It made me smile. Little did everyone know deep down inside Jade is a big softie who can't go longer then two hours without me. I'm not complaining. I love it.

He looked up at me and I gave a fake smile "how are you feeling Tori?" Everyone looked at me including Jade. I pretended I couldn't see her staring into my soul. "Fine, just a little cold." I could see Jade fighting back a smile and turned back around.

"So Beck, any new girlfriends?" Beck sighs. "Uh, no?" Sycowitz nods. "Robbie any girl- never mind" everyone chuckled at this. "Cat, any lucky guy?" She shrugs. "Here and there" he makes eye contact with me. Shit.

Do I say no then have Jade feel like I'm dyeing her love... or do I say yes and have him pry at me. "Tori Vega... any lucky guy?" Im relieved he made it easy enough for me. "Nope... no guys here" he raises his eye brow and leans back.

"Any... girls?" Everyone again looks at me, Jade giving me a "yeah Tori, any girls" kind of look. I sigh "aren't we supposed to be learning?" He stands up with a sigh "I suppose you're right"

"Pussy" Jade mouths at me and I roll my eyes. You are what you eat right?

The next three periods drag by until lunch. My favorite. I sit at my normal spot with Cat and Andre on either side of me, Jade sits next to cat and Robbie and Beck sits next to Andre and Robbie.

Jade being across from me everytime makes it so hard to not tell our friends our secret. She's so close, I just want to reach out and kiss my beautiful... friend... yikes. What are we?

"Tori... I know it's a long shot"  some girl from first hour named Layla said coming up to the table. I glance down at Jades face, I see the anger she's trying to hide. I look back up at Layla, she was standing right behind Jade so I could watch them both easily.

"I just thought maybe if you are into girls we could go out sometime?"  I see Jade isn't even pretending to still eat her food. I can't help but smile. "I just think you're a really cool girl Tori and I would like to get to know you"

I feel bad, I think Layla thinks I'm smiling at her confession. "What do you say Tori?" I see Jade glaring up at me. My silence is bothering her more. "Tori-" Jade whips around "Can't you tell she's busy eating. Plus she's already someone else's girlfriend sheesh." She said in her snarky tone.

Laylas smile faded "oh. I'm sorry" she said and walked away. I couldn't help but smile more, A)she got jealous over me and B) she called me her girlfriend. I looked and saw everyone's shocked faces.

I quickly look down so I don't have to answer any questions. Jade realizes what she did when she meet the same faces. "Jade, why did you get so... upset?" Beck asked. She looked around worriedly.

"And Tori, who are you dating?" He asks me. I sit up "I have to be honest. Jade wanted me not to tell you guys but now it's kinda out" I sigh looking around the table. "Jade is just upset that the person she likes doesn't like her back and everyone around her is getting asked out."

They all nodded. "It's okay Jade, anyone would be lucky enough to have you. I would know" Beck said sadly but also in a heart warming way. It made Jade smile and he smiled back.

I assumed she'd give me a look thinking of how I have her, but she actually completely ignored me the rest of lunch. Once the bell rang I found her in the parking lot. I smiled walking closer to her "hey jade-" I froze.

She was kissing Beck.


I know I said I was going to post tomorrow night but my family all went to bed and I wasn't remotely close to being tired so enjoy the surprise chapter<3

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