Chapter 5

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Jade's POV

I've been awake for about 5 minutes. I look over at Vega who is just waking up.

Our eyes meet and I can see she tries not to let a smile creep on her face. Why is she happy to see me? I have no idea.

"You're still here?" She asks. "I would of left, but I only woke up 5 minutes ago" I say rolling my eyes at how full of herself she is.

"Oh, well do you want breakfast?" She asks me with a sweet smile. "No" I say ripping the covers off me and getting up.

"Oh,well do you want to stay for a bit?" She asks following me down the stairs. "Not really" I reply.

"Um, ok" she says. "Take me home" I demand her after I get my coat on.
"I can't drive before I have coffee, or I'll zone out" Tori says.

"You sure there isn't another excuses?" I say rolling my eyes as she walks into the kitchen.

"I'm sure" she said as she starts putting water in the coffee pot. "You want some coffee?" She asks me.

"No" I say turning her TV on and waiting for her to finish her coffee.

She finally finished her coffee and we got in the car.

"I had fun" Tori says as she pulls into my drive way. I get out of the car without saying a word back.

"Bye" I here her yell and I wave my hand up without looking back at her. And I walk into my house.

"Where were you?" My mom asks when I walk in. "Vegas" I give a quick reply and walk into my room.


Tori's POV

Jade's gone and I'm just replaying the feeling I had when I woke up and saw her looking at me.

I tried not to smile since I expected her to be gone by the time I woke up.

I wish me and her could just be friend's already. I wish she wasn't so difficult to work with.

I decided to work on homework since my dad is at work, and my mom is driving Trina around all day.

I finish all my homework and have some me time the rest of the day.
Monday morning:

"Toriiiii" Trina whines as I'm walking down the stairs. "What!" I yell back at her. "Hurry up! I can't be late".

"We won't be late!" I say grabbing my car keys. And my cup of coffee. I walk out into my black jeep and waited for Trina.

"Let's go" Trina says getting in the car. "Yeah no really" I say starting my car. "When is your car fix?" I ask her.

"Tomorrow" she says. "Good" I say to her in relief.

We get to school and Trina runs out of sight. I grab my back pack, and get out of my car and head into school.

"Hey Tor!" Robbie says as he walks up to me by my locker. "Hey" I say as I'm putting my books in my locker.

"How was hanging out with Jade?" He asks. "It was fun" I admit. "Fun huh?" Andre says with a smirk as he comes around the corner.

Andre, my best friend. He knew I liked Jade for a few months.

But he also knows I'm over it. So he shouldn't be smirking.

"Yes, fun. We played battleship and she stayed the night" I say not going into detail.

"Jade stayed the night?" Robbie asked shocked. "Yep, but she left the second she woke up".

"Speak of the devil" Robbie said. I turn around and see the beautiful Raven haired girl In black leggings, a dark purple shirt with a black laced shirt over it in her comback boots.

She walked over to her locker with her coffee in her one hand.

I watched her open her locker and she starts digging in it. Like she's looking for something.

"Tori?" I here my friend's call my name and snap me out of my daze.

"Yes?" I say "you zoned out" Andre said. "While looking at Jade" he said and playfully elbowed me on my arm.

"No, I was just wondering what she was doing" I say, of course I'm not gonna admit that I was.

I hear Jade slam her locker and she walks past us and down the hall.

"Hey Jade" Robbie says and she glares at him and keeps walking.

Jade's POV

The lunch bell finally rings. And I head down to lunch when I stopped by Beck.

"Hey babe" I say pecking him on the lips. "Hey Jade, so I was wandering if you could come up to my cabin this weekend, leaving right after school on Thursday"

We have a long weekend. We have Friday to Monday off which is amazing.

"Yeah, I can go" I say smiling. "Prefect, I'll pick you up around 6:30 in the morning? So that we can leave right after school".

We walk down to lunch and sit at the table next to our friend's....and Tori.

"Hey Jade" Tori says to me.

I know I have to friendly. other wise Beck will be mad or something.

"Hi Tori" I say with an overly fake smile.

I eat my sandwich and go to class. I'm sitting in class when I noticed Vega staring at me a cross the room.

She notices and quickly looks away. That's when Andre smirks at her and she cuts her eyes at him.

Strange. But I've seen stranger. I continue to keep drawing the opposite of what our teacher is telling us to draw.

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