Chapter 14

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Tori's POV
It was finally Friday and I was standing in line waiting at the truck for my food. "Come on Jade" I heard some boy say next to me. She shot him a glare and he smirked moving closer. "Your rudeness turns me on.." Shit dude. I mean I agree but I don't say it out loud to anyone.

"Back off" she said sternly which only made him step closer. "Look dude. If she wanted you she would say so." He looked at me with a blank stare.  "Run away" he rolled his eyes and walked off. Jade looked over at me "thank you" she mouthed and I nodded with a smile.

"Tori" I heard and I got my food and went and sat down at the table. Cat, Beck and Robbie were already there.  "Where's Andre?" I ask sitting on the other side of cat. "He didn't come today" Beck and I raised a brow at him. "Hm. I wonder why."

Jade eventually made her way to the table seeing there was only a seat between me and Robbie she rolled her eyes and sat down. Of course playing it off still. I leaned over and looked at her plate. "Looks good" she gave her death glare and I gave her a soft smile.

She instantly looked down trying to keep her smiled to herself. I win. "So how's this friendship working out?" Robbie asked looking at us. Jade rolls her eyes. "Fine." She gives a quick simple reply. If only they knew.

I felt Jades hand on my hand sitting on my thigh. She placed a note in it and I opened it up.  Come over after school. I smiled at her demand and nodded my head. The lunch bell rang and we all headed towards our next class. Jade, Cat and I all walked in the same direction.

Cat threw her arm around mine "can I come over later? My brother is inviting his friends over" I sigh "Cat I'm busy today can't you ask the boys?" She shook her head no. "I helped you with Trina a few weeks ago" I sigh again looking at Jade she nodded for me to go on and I mouthed "I'm sorry" she gave a thumbs up and went to her class. "I'll see you later the Cat" I walked into my honors English class taking my seat.

Once school ended I drove Cat and I back to my house. "I have some work I have to do, but make yourself at home" I say to the red head as I pull my stuff out and study at my kitchen table.

*I still feel bad* I texted the raven hair girl getting a text back in just a few minutes *Its okay. Lany wanted to come over anyways* I rose my eye brow. Lany is a well known lesbian in our school. She also is known for trying to get with every girl she sees. *Is she over?* I ask a little nervous. *Yeah. So don't worry about time tonight Vega* that made my blood boil a little.

She's hanging out with Lany? I couldn't help but want to go over there. "Tori. I gotta get home" Cat said breaking my thoughts. I smile and put my phone in my pocket. "I'm taking Cat home mom. I'm gonna stay a few hours too" she nodded and I took Cat back home.

After dropping her off I drove straight to Jades house. I didn't see a car but Jades in her drive way. She gave the bitch a ride. I knocked on the door trying not to sound too angry and Jade opened up. "Vega?" I look over her shoulder and see Lany sitting on the couch. "Why are you here?" I look back at Jade. "Do you not want me here?"

She looked confused. "No- i- of course I want you here Tori. Come in" she invited me in and I came inside "hey Tori" Lany said and I mumbled Hi back. "Do you mind if she joins us?" Jade asks. "Of course not!"
Lany said in a happy voice that made me want to punch her in her face.

Jade sat between us on the couch while we watched a horror movie I can't remember the name of. "God dude" Lany said grabbing Jades arm and shielding her eyes from the screen. I didn't take my eyes off of them. I stared ahead as if I were watching, but really I was watching them the hole time. Lany peeked her head out and continued to watch with her head on Jades shoulder.

Jumping at every sound and movement. Honestly at this point I didn't know what was going on in the movie. If I were paying attention I'd probably be peeing myself. I hate scary movies. But in this moment I can only think about Lany trying to steal Jade from me.

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