Chapter 23

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Toris POV   (last chapter)

I walked into school knowing it was the last time I'll ever step foot inside. The last three years changed me for the better, I would've never had the amazing friends or girlfriend I have. Or any of the opportunities I was able to take.

I used the bathroom and threw my cap and gown on over my dress. This is it. I head outside towards the field where my family was sitting. "I'm proud of you" my mom said smiling.

After Jade and I made it official, I came out to my dad and Trina and they were equally as supportive as my mom was. Jade is moving out this weekend far away and taking her brother with her, and never planing on seeing her parents ever again.

I take my seat between Cat and Jade. I got pretty lucky that their last names are Valentine and West, meaning we got placed together. Jade placed her hand on my thigh and squeezed it. "You got this Vega" I smiled.

I took a deep breath as the ceremony started. "Tori Vega made a speech for us all to losing to today" the principal said. Everyone clapped as I took the stage.

"My sister started coming to this school five years ago, she loved it here. I never knew why. Until one day she couldn't sing and I was forced up on stage to take her place, I got an instant offer to come here and i have never been happier." I look at my friends scattered around and smiled at them.

"I'm going to miss this place, I'm not really ready to say goodbye. But unfortunately life rushes you especially when you aren't ready. So to all my fellow classmates, go reach for the stars and make it shine. You only have one life, so do it right" everyone clapped as I took my seat.

"You killed it baby" Jade pecked my lips and names started to be called. "Cat Valentine" I watched the red head take her diploma and walk off stage. "Tori Vega" I walked across and was handed the paper, my principal shook my hand "it was honor for us to have you at this school Tori" I smiled and walked off. I was supposed to go sit back down but I stepped off to the side and turned around.

"Jade West" she did what everyone else has been doing and walked up to me. I placed my hand in hers and we walked back to our seats.

"Congratulations to the graduating class of 2013" we all took our caps off and threw them up in the air. "We made it" I said catching Jade in a hug and she kissed me.

Jade and I walked back over to my family where Jack was sitting as well. My family insisted on him sitting with them. He hugged Jade tight as my parents did the same to me "I'm proud of you sis" Trina said and I smiled. She put her arms around and I wrapped mine around her.

I felt a poke at my leg and I looked over at the 13 year old boy. He gave me a hug "I'm proud of you as well Tori" I smiled and ruffled his hair "thanks kid" we all took pictures then headed off to eat at a restaurant to celebrate after I said goodbye to all my teachers.

I saw Jade and my dad had been talking a lot and I thought it was sweet she was being friendly towards him. "I have to say Tori, Jade is good for you" I get a cheesy grin on my face "I know. I really love her a lot"

Jade and dad sat down with the rest of us and Jade placed her hand on my thigh. She slowly moved it up my thigh and I slapped her hand "Jade West! You know better" I said so only she could hear. She smirks and takes her hand and places it on the table. "Can you excuse us for a moment?" My parents nod and Jade drags me out of the restaurant.

"So you can't contain yourself all of a sudden?" She smirks again and I roll my eyes. "Come here" I follow her to the back of the restaurant as the sun sets over the water. "I love you" she says softly and I smile "I love you too" she kissed my cheek and we both looked out over the water.

"Can you believe we are adults?" She says. "No. I remember the first time we met, only 14 years old. You poured your coffee all over me" she gives me a guilty look and we both break out laughing. "And now you make me my coffee" she says placing her hand on my arm.

"I wouldn't change any bit of our relationship" she smiles "I agree." I start laughing and she looks at me weirdly. "Hm?" I shake my head "nothing, nothing" I sit down at the bench and she follows me. "What is it?"

I look her in the eyes and lick my lips. "I was just thinking how I had the biggest crush on you sophomore year, and I couldn't figure out why I liked the bitchy girl so much" I tease.

"You liked me before this year?" I shake my head "yeah, and I was getting nervous with us getting closer. Beck is my friend and I didn't want to hurt him, and I also knew starting to like you again would hurt me. I seriously tried to back off and next thing I know I was being kissed by you"

She smiles sheepishly. "When I saw you filling in for Trina I couldn't get my eyes off of you. I thought it was jealousy, but I think it might of been a little more" my smile grows three times in size. "You are adorable" she shakes her head and looks down at the ground.

It fell quite between us, but a good quite. "Tori..." Jade said breaking the silence I looked over at her and she smiled. "I just wanted to say, I know we aren't been together very long. But I love you, and I know I love you and we take things as slowly and as long as you want but Tori..." she slipped out of the seat and placed her knee on the ground.

"Jade..." I said tears starting to fill my eyes. She pulled a box out of her pocket and opened it up to show a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me Tori?" I nod my head. "Yes, Jade I will" she slipped the ring onto my finger and I stood up, she picked me up in her arms and spun me around kissing me deeply.

"I love you Tori Vega."  "I love you too Jade West.

They went inside and announced there need to their families, and t hat weekend Tori moved into Jades apartment with Jack, and her. They planned for a wedding and got married a few years later. And yes, Beck and Robbie got an A on their school project.

I hope you all enjoyed this story. It was so much fun to write, ahh I'm kinda sad it's over but excited for my other stories to come to life. Please vote and come back and read this story whenever you feel!!

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