Chapter 20

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Jades POV
The last hell of the day finally rings and I head to my locker. "So, what was actually the whole right about Tori and Layla?" I hear Beck behind me speak. "I'm not sure what you mean" he huffs and I walk outside.

"Jade. I know you, that's was pure jealousy." I sigh "look Beck, can we just drop it?" I say as we reach my car.  "Did you break up with me because of Tori?" His words shocked me. I didn't know how to reply. "I-" he looks away from my eyes.

"I didn't break up with you for anyone Beck, I'm still single." He huffs again "Is it Layla then? Do you like Layla?" I roll my eyes "Oh my gosh Beck. What is your problem why do you care anyways? Aren't you hooking up with Rose?" He sighs. "But she's not you Jade. I want you back."  Yikes.

"Beck... I love that you care but I-" I stop when he places his hands around my waist. My nerves kick in. He's never made my body nervous before. He moves them down to my ass and I didn't stop him. He starts to lean in and I let him.

Connecting our lips together. We stayed like that until I found the urge to push him off "Beck.." I look over his shoulder and see Tori looking at us from afar. Her eyes were broken, she turned around and ran to her car.

Most of me wanted to run after her, the other 20% wanted to stay here with Beck, and stupidly enough that's what I did. "Think about it jade" he said placing a kiss on my forehead and walking towards his car.

I open the door and get inside mine. I lay my head on the steering wheel not knowing what to do. I'm already fucked, Mrs.Vega knows about our secret, Tori saw me kissing my ex and I didn't even stop him. In fact I encouraged his kiss.

I just throw the keys into the ignition and head home.

Tori's POV

I walk inside my house. My parents weren't home yet so I ran up into my room and throwing myself down onto my bed. I buried my face into my pillow and tears filled my eyes. How could I be so stupid? Thinking Jade West would like me? She always hated me, she was probably using me as a rebound.

I roll onto my back looking up at the ceiling. My phone rang and it was my mom "hm?" I said sadly. "I am pulling into the driveway Tori we need to talk" I sigh and hang up. I already know what it's about, not like it matters at this point. I walk downstairs and my mom opens the front door.

"Tori I saw your texts with Jade" I sit down on the couch putting my knees at my chest. "Are you guys together?" She didn't sound mad, she just wanted answers. "No" I said honestly not wanting to talk about it. "Do you like her Tori?" I sigh looking down at the floor. "I did" I felt her hand on my leg. "What do yo mean honey?" I look at hee and feel the tears flood in.

"We were a 'thing' I guess, and I told her I loved her before school starts and then I leave and see her kissing beck" My tears rolling down my face, through my blurry vision I see a sad look on her face. She wraps her arms around me and pulls me into her. I thought she was going to get mad, I thought she hated gays?

I don't question it, I grow weak in her arms and cry harder. "I'm sorry tori" She says rubbing my hair. "I really meant it mom, I do love her. I have never had these feelings for someone before. I need her, I can't breath or think right when she's not around, and when I saw them... I thought my whole body was going to give out" I pick my head up and look at her.

"Why don't we go get some ice cream and rent any movie of your choice" I smile "Okay mom" She stood up taking my hand and I followed her to her car. She drove us to the local ice cream place. I looked across the street. I was the place I found jade with her black eye. "Come on" My mom said softly breaking my flashback. I go inside. I order cookie dough and my mom gets plain chocolate.

"You are so boring" I tease as we get into the car "Hey, I like my chocolate. I'm a women" We both laugh and talk the whole five minutes back to my house. "What about a scary movie?" My mom suggests. All the movies remind me of Jade. "Alright, what about letd play battle ship" I give her a sad look and my mom sighs. "How about lets go for a car ride" SHe doesn't give me a chance to deny it. So I get into the front seat and she plays music as we drive through LA.

Two hours later we pulled back into the driveway, both of our faces hurt from smiling. "Have you talked to her?" My mom spoke...oh right...her. I sigh "no. I mean what's there to say? She knows I saw them, she looked right at me and hasn't bothered to check in" My mom looks at me and I look at her back.

"I'm not saying what she did was right, but maybe there's a reasonable explanation for it. You never know until you try" I nod "I know, and we will have to talk soon, im just not ready yet" My mom b=nods her head kissing my forehead "Lets go get some dinner"

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