Chapter 15

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Jades POV (Smut warning)

"Jade, that's the last time you get to pick the movie" Lany said laughing. "What you scared?"
I teased the girl and she nodded her head yes very violently. I sigh. "Tori didn't even flinch" Lany said. I turn towards Tori. Damn if looks could kill... She looked really pissed off for some strange reason.

"I better go. Mom will want me home" Lany said "alright. Here take a drink for the road" I went into the fridge and gave laney a pop and she hugged me tight "see you later. It was nice hanging with you Tori" Lany walked out of the house and Tori stayed silent.

I turned all my attention to the brunette who looked like she was going to go on a kill spree. "You made time for me Hm?" I teased the girl. Her face didn't change. Her eyes didn't even meet my own.

"What's wrong?" I ask taking a seat on my couch next to her. She wouldn't talk to me. "Vega.." I said in my soft voice that only comes out for her. That broke her. She looked at me and sighed. "I don't know Jade. I just thought we had something special here" she said with her leg shaking.

I grabbed it and stopped it. "Vega we do. What are you talking about?" She huffed moving her leg away from my touch. "Lany was awful close to you" I smiled. "Oh.. this is about Lany." She rolled her eyes. "This is great to know this is a joke to Jade" I smile walking into the closet.

I brought a picture out with me handing it to Tori. It had a picture of my brother, me, my cousins Abigail, Petter, Chase and... Lany. "Lany is my cousin" I said resting my hand on her thigh again.

A relied smile came across her face and she laughed putting the picture down. "Now I feel stupid" she said not looking at me" I grabbed her face and pulling it towards me. "You aren't stupid Vega. That's actually really sweet you got jealous.. that means you like me" she rolled her eyes trying to push me away. "Of course I like you jade."

I placed my lips onto hers kissing her deeply, and her doing the same back. This girl makes my body weak. I've never felt so much lust and passion for one person before.

Our kisses getting more aggressive and needy. I pull her on top of me and gasps when I place my hands on her hips. I break the kiss looking up at her. "Are you okay with this?" She nodded her head.

I placed my lips back on hers. I found the hem of her shirt and pulled it off her body revealing her in just a white bra. I kissed her stomach and her hands held my head. I picked her up and walked her into my room. Placing her gently on my bed.

I slid her pants off of her body seeing now she's in a matching set of underwear. I pulled my shirt off and continued to kiss her sweet lips. She pulled me into her. I think it was her way of asking for me.

She unbuttoned my jeans and threw them on the floor. I got on my knees and started kissing her beautiful thighs. Feeling her jerk at my touch so close to her spot. I come back up undoing her bra. She held her hands over herself not letting it fall.

I got up and took my black bra off letting my tits fall and exposing myself first. Which made her smile. She let go and let her bra slid off of hers revealing her chest. I took her nipple into my mouth sucking on her body. Her breathing got heavier, turning into soft quiet moans.

I kiss my way down her body to her underwear sliding them off her legs. I kiss her second pair of lips making her gasp at my touch. I started to lick that very sensitive spot. Her fingers tangled into my raven hair.

"Fuck" she moaned softly. I smiled and licked her a little faster taking my fingers and placing them into her opening. I curled them up making her moan louder. "Oh jade" she moaned loudly. Making me want to let something escape this sexy girl.

I licked her faster plunging my fingers in and out. She gripped my bed with one hand and my hair with the other as I felt her come undone onto my face. I licked up her mess come back up to kiss her face.

"Jade" she said outta breath and I smiled "hm?"  Still panting she said "you know how to do that well" I smirked laying next to her. "You come do it to me" she smiled nervously.

"I've never done this before" I move her hair out of her face and placing my hand onto her cheek "neither had I until just now" she smiled softly. She threw my underwear off of my body revealing my naked body.

She licked her way to my wet spot teasing it with her tongue. I grabbed her head and shoved it where I wanted it. Making her to start licking my clit, until I came all over her face like she had done to me.

She came up out of breath along with me. We laid there holding each others naked bodies until we drifted off to sleep for the night.


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