Chapter 17

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Jades POV

It was Monday, I'm not normally one for school. But knowing Tori was going to be there made it all worth it. And yes I know. We can't be our normal selfs at school, I can at least see her. That's all I need.

I open the doors of my kinda okay high school and walk towards my locker. I didn't see Vega at hers, she's either later or already in class. When the doors opened that answered my question. Tori took a deep breath and focused on getting into her locker.

I don't think she had noticed me yet. I could tell cause her face was her normal skin tone and not the blush red I always make it. Which I'm not complaining I have that effect on her. All the time. I looked around and the halls were a little busy, but I didn't see our friends. So I walked over to her.

I brushed my hand against her bare arm and she jumped a little then looked at me. "Hey you" I said leaning onto the lockers. "How was your weekend?" She asked me putting her attention on me. "Well it was really great" I winked making her face that red color. "Then that greatness got taken from me" she sighed.

"Im sorry. I'll make it up to you yeah?" I nodded. "Not that I need it but I just want an excuse to see you" she smiles. Her eyes focused behind me and then back to her locker. I looked over my shoulder to see Beck walking towards us.

"Are you two...bonding?" He asks with a smirk on his face. "I was just returning her the notes I borrowed" his face grew brighter. "Okay fine. The notes I stole from her" his face became sadder "it's progress" he says walking away from us.

I smile at the brunette in front of me. I hand her a stack of notes. "I actually did steal your notes" she takes them and hits me on the arm with them. I chuckle and we walk down to Sycowitz together.

-after school-

"Did you drive today?" I asked Tori as we walk we're walking into the hall. "No, my dad had to borrow my car." I smile "I'll take you home" I walk away not letting her deny it. I walk out into the parking lot waiting for Vega.

"Trina drove me though" she says walking up to my car. "tell her you're getting a ride from me" she looked at Trina and then back at me "Jade..." I sigh "come on Tor.." she smiled softly "I want to." I nod my head. "I get it. You don't want your mom to be mad at you" she gives me a guilty smile. Then it hit her.

"If I come home with you it'll prove to her what she says means shit." I smile. "Trina im going home with Jade!" She yells at her and Trina leaves the parking lot. Tori runs around to the passenger side and opens the door. "Let's go."

"Can we stop at the store first?" I asked and she shook her head "whatever you need" I pulled into the CVS parking lot. Tori stays in the car while I go grab some more pain meds, and come back. "This parking lot is secluded" she said with a smirk. "Vega.." she climbed into the backseat and looked at me.

"Vega you know anyone could pull in" she grabbed my face and started making out with me. "Let's play risky Jade" she said pulling me into the backseat and I allow her.

I kiss on her neck as she slides her pants off along with her underwear. "Make it a fast one" she said lowering my head between her gorgeous thighs. I take no time finding that good spot.

"Fuck" she moans letting me know I found it. I suck on it with my mouth driving her crazy. I take it out and start nibbling on it. "Jade just lick it already!" She yells flustered. Damn... I didn't know Vega was that comfortable with me.

I licked her nice and good like she asked. Letting my pointer finger explore her folds "oh jade" she moaned. I went faster with my tongue making her grip the head rest of the driver seat and my hair with her other hand. Her legs shook as loud moans escaped her perfect little face.

I got up wiping my mouth and she grins. Pulling her pants up "let's get you home" I kiss her on the forehead and help her back into the front seat. I pulled out of the parking lot both of us with smiles on our faces.

"I can't believe we pulled that off" I chuckle. "Aren't you the one who said that we could?" She looks at me "well yeah, but I didn't know if we actually could." This is why I have feelings for this girl.

I dropped her off at home and watched as her
sexy ass swayed. She opened the door and I sat in the driveway for a moment before leaving. I get home and see my dad sitting on the couch. I roll my eyes and go up stairs to see if my brother made it home.

"Yeah I'm here" he said after my knock. "Thank you" I said and walked back into my room. Fuck. Vega was a horny little thing. Not that I was complaining, of course not. I absolutely loved the lust in her eyes when she was begging for me.

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