Yandere Shantae/N. Shantae/R. Boots/Sky/R. Tops/G. Mermaid/Tuki X Male Reader

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(Y/N is just an ordinary citizen from Scuttle Town, but he somehow attracted the attention of Shantae and her former enemies, who became her friends and plan to have him for themselves.)

(Y/N is currently seen running away from the girls as he just witnessed them killing all female citizens.)

Shantae: Ow, Y/N

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Shantae: Ow, Y/N... don't go!

Nega Shantae: Don't run away from us, darling

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Nega Shantae: Don't run away from us, darling.

(Y/N keeps running, but they keep chasing after him.)

Risky Boots: You won't run from us for much longer

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Risky Boots: You won't run from us for much longer.

Risky Boots: You won't run from us for much longer

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Sky: Senpai.

(Y/N then runs to a lake and starts swimming for a while before running into a forest.)

Y/N: (sighs) I guess I lost them...

Y/N: (sighs) I guess I lost them

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????: Found you.

Y/N: Shoot!

(Y/N turns to see Rootytops tries to go back to the river, but suddenly a hand comes out of it and grabs him. Then Giga Mermaid shows up and smirks deviously.)


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G. Mermaid: Gotcha.

Y/N: Ugh... let me go... right now!

(Giga Mermaid laughs as she snaps her fingers, and then the girls show up, and Shantae carries a pot. As it opens up, it reveals Tuki coming out.)

Tuki: Excellent job, girls

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Tuki: Excellent job, girls. We got our sssssssenpai.

Y/N: You're...

(Giga Mermaid places her finger in his air passages, rendering him unable to breathe.)

Shantae: Hey, that wasn't necessary.

Tuki: Don't worry, we'll have so much fun with him inside my pot.

(Then the girls take Y/N with them inside Tuki's pot, and live in with him forever, having eternal orgies.)

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