Yandere Cheater Azur Lane Harem X Amnesiac Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Y/N is the former commander of Azur Lane, because he left after he found out the shipgirls were cheating on him.)


(Y/N is seen going to his room, when he suddenly sees some shipgirls making out with other commanders.)

Y/N: So this is why you've been avoiding me lately, huh?

Enterprise: Commander?

Y/N: I should've known that.

Belfast: But you never had time for us.

Y/N: That's your excuse? (scoffs) You know what, enjoy your time with those pricks in there. I'm leaving!

Bismarck: No, please, komandant, don't go.

Y/N: You girls pretend to love me just to hide the fact you don't. So you cover that out. It's so comical, so stupid. You girls are nothing. BUT EMPTY SHELLS FILLED WITH GARBAGE!

(Y/N leaves Azur Lane as the shipgirls get on their knees and cry due to the fact they screwed up and lost their commander forever. Or did they?)

(Years later, the shipgirls are totally depressed to the point they don't even work properly anymore.)

Akagi: Damn... we were supposed to marry our commander and have children with him... but we threw that chance away... we're whores indeed.

Roon: Yeah... we're failures...

(Suddenly they find someone familiar, and get shocked by seeing the figure stranded in their Headquarters.)

Kaga: Y/N? (worried) Y/N!

(The shipgirls approach Y/N, who then recovers, and looks at the girls.)

Y/N: Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?

(The shipgirls get shocked by seeing that Y/N doesn't seem to remember anything.)

Alabama: Y/N, it's us, the shipgirls.

Y/N: Shipgirls? I'm so confused... I can't... I can't remember anything.

(Once the shipgirls found out Y/N can't remember anything, they decide to use it as a chance to get him back.)

Enterprise: (sighs) Alright, your name is Y/N L/N, and you're our commander.

Y/N: I'm your... commander?

Belfast: The one and only.

Bismarck: And ve are your girlfriends.

Y/N: You're... my girlfriends?

Akagi: (nods) Yep.

(Meanwhile other shipgirls decide to get rid of any proof and reminder that they cheated on him, and do the same tho those that Y/N left Azur Lane for a long time.)

Kaga: Never again.

Roon: No more screw ups.

Hood: No more betrayals.

Alabama: No more abandonment.

Shipgirls: From now on, we will make sure Y/N stays with us forever.

(There are also shipgirls who prepared countermeasures in case of Y/N suddenly regaining his memories.)

Taihou: With these drugs, we can suppress Y/N's memories so he won't be able to regain them.

Washington: It's still not enough. We gotta get rid of possible threats.

Prince of Wales: (realizes) That's it, we shall kill anyone who tries to tell him about what we did.

Kronshtadt: Only then we will have Y/N with us forever.

(While some shipgirls decided to kill the other commanders and even the Higher Ups, Enterprise and Bismarck are taking turns making out with Y/N.)

Enterprise: (in mind) I missed it so much... his hugs... his kisses...

Bismarck: (in mind) I'm so happy ve got our komandant back. nozhing vill separate us.

(Then Enterprise and Bismarck decide to lick his member, making him moan. Then they take turns sucking his member until it twitches and he cums in their faces. They lick their lips and swallow some of his cum.)

Bismarck: Now vor zhe main course.

Enterprise: I'll go first.

(Then Enterprise inserts his member into her vagina while Bismarck sits on his face.)

Bismarck: Taste me, komandant. Eat my pussy up.

(Enterprise bounces on his member while he licks Bismarck. They keep up until the three cum.)

Enterprise: That was great, honey.

Bismarck: You did vell, komandant.

(The shipgirls have finally got Y/N back, and they eventually married and had children. Y/N was never able to remember anything which actually happened.)

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