Yandere Loving Asuka and Yagyu X Descendant of Guts Male Reader (Lemon)

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(Asuka And Yagyuu are investigating a strange activity.)

Asuka: I never saw something like whatever the others saw

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Asuka: I never saw something like whatever the others saw.

Asuka: I never saw something like whatever the others saw

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Yagyu: Me neither.

(Suddenly a group of Apostoles ambushes them.)

Asuka: What the hell?

Yagyu: It must be the ones behind those activities.

(Out of a sudden, a young boy wielding a big sword slashes and kills the apostoles, one by one, and then after he's done, he falls unconscious.)

Asuka: He saved us...

Yagyu: Well, that was reckless, but...

Asuka: Let's take him home, and once he wakes up, we'll try to get some answers.

(Yagyu nods as they take him home. Some minutes later, he wakes up, and Asuka smiles at him while Yagyu keeps her monotone expression.)

Asuka: Oh, you woke up.

Y/N: Where am I?

Yagyu: I know you've got so many questions... but you wouldn't be here if it wasn't necessary.

Y/N: Well... my name is Y/N L/N.

Asuka: (giggles) Mine is Asuka.

Yagyu: (monotone) Yagyu. Now can you tell us how did you kill those people who ambushed us?

Y/N: My lineage is known for being formerly mercenaries, and branded as wanderers in a constant internal struggle between pursuing their ends and attaching to those they hold dear. And also, they wielded the Dragon Slayer.

Asuka: Dragon Slayer?

Y/N: Too big to be called a sword. Massive, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of raw iron.

Yagyu: Who else wielded it?

Y/N: My ancestor, known as Struggler. His real name is Guts, and he single handedly weakened the God Hand.

(The girls got surprised by their story, and then something in them awakened.)

Asuka/Yagyu: (in mind) We shall protect you from any harm, Y/N.

(Asuka and Yagyu then started killing anyone who tried to hurt Y/N, and one day, they witness him about to be killed by an admirer of Griffith. They then step forth to stop him, but they get blasted back. Y/N then hears a voice.)


(Suddenly Y/N dons the Berserker Armor and manages to kill the admirer of Griffith. Y/N then turns to see the two girls, and is about to kill them as well due to the armor.)

Asuka: (weakly) We... love you...

(Then Y/N stops.)

Yagyu: We always loved you, Y/N.

(Then Y/N reverts to normal as both girls catch him.)

Y/N: (weakly) I... love you... too...


(Y/N is seen having a threesome with Asuka and Yagyu. Asuka rubs her boobs on his member while Yagyu sits on his face.)

Yagyu: Taste me, love. Eat my pussy up.

Asuka: Do you like when my boobs rub your cock?

Yagyu: And how's my pussy? It tastes like strawberried, right?

(Y/N is seen licking Yagyu as he moans along the way, much to their happiness.)

Asuka: I guess that's a yes.

Yagyu: Good boy!

(Asuka then decides to insert his member inside her vagina, and starts bouncing.)

Asuka: God, this feels so fucking good!

Yagyu: Come on, love. Keep eating me!

(Asuka increases her pace while Y/N keeps licking Yagyu. Both moan in joy, and some minutes later, they reach their climax.)

Asuka: Oh yes... that was good, honey!

Yagyu: You did good, love!

(Then Y/N marries the two shinobi girls.)

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