Yandere Raiden Shogun X Tengu Male Reader (Forced Lemon and BDSM)

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(Y/N is Raiden Ei's friend from more than 500 years ago. After she gave up her body and created the puppet Shogun, Y/N hid his whereabouts until the day he stood up to liberate the people of Inazuma.)

(Present Day)

(Y/N is seen fighting some soldiers who were sent by Raiden to capture him. He then uses one of his Tengu Techniques.)

Y/N: Tornado Hold!

(Y/N's Tornado lifts the soldiers up as he then he resumes his fighting.)

(Meanwhile, Raiden Shogun is seen masturbating herself with Y/N's stuffed pillow as she moans.)

Raiden: (moans) Oh, Y/N

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Raiden: (moans) Oh, Y/N... I will punish you... (moans) for leaving me behind... fuck Aether. (moans) You, Y/N... you are my new husband.

(Back to Y/N, he manages to fend off the soldiers, and the people of Inazuma start cheering him up.)

Y/N: Now to find that goddamn bitch who I used to consider as a friend.

(Y/N proceeds to search for Raiden Shogun so he can destroy her.)

(Some hours later, Y/N is seen preparing to face Raiden as he enters in her room.)

Y/N: Time to kick your ass, Raiden!

Raiden: (comes in) I'll be the one kicking your ass, Y/N.

Y/N: Said the girl who abandoned her own humanity.

Raiden: You know what? After I'm done kicking your ass, I'll rape you tonight.

Y/N: WHAT? What the fuck?

Raiden: That's right.

(Then they fight. Y/N seemingly gains the upper hand and brings Raiden Shogun down, but as he is about to strike the final blow, Raiden suddenly stabs him in the gut.)

Raiden: You lowered your guard. Now you pay the price.


(Y/N is seen being tortured by Raiden, who whips him and electrocutes him as he screams in agony.)

Raiden: I promised I'd punish you for leaving me. Now I'm keeping the promise.

(Raiden keeps torturing Y/N until she's done. Some minutes later, she is seen roughly stroking his member before placing it in her mouth. She roughly sucks on his member and some minutes later, he cums inside of her mouth.)

Raiden: Now for the main course.

(Raiden then slams her womanhood into his member and bounces roughly.)

Raiden: There's no escape now, my love.

(She bounces so fast that Y/N can't contain his moans. He eventually cums inside of her.)

Raiden: You better get used to it.

(She kisses him roughly.)

Raiden: Because I'm only getting started.

(Raiden continued raping Y/N until she breaks him.)

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