Yandere Rejecting Azur Lane X Kamen Rider X Male Reader

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(Y/N is the current commander of Azur Lane, but due to being a male commander, the shipgirls treat him like trash because they think he's like the other commanders before him. He tries his best to prove that he's not like the others. He treats them with kindness, makes their life better and his leadership gives them many victories. Even so he was judged unfairly.)

Enterprise: How long is he gonna pretend to care about us?

(He also proposed to marry them, but they rejected his proposal.)

Akagi: You are kidding me? We'll never marry you!

(Feeling heartbroken, Y/N decides to leave Azur Lane, and because of it, the little shipgirls chew the other shipgirls out.)

Unicorn: Happy now?

Amazon: You just made our best commander leave!

Hipper: We were getting a better life thanks to Y/N and you girls selfishly ruined everything!

L. Shipgirls: WE HATE YOU!

(The shipgirls then start feeling guilty as they think about what they did.)

Bismarck: Zhey are right. What if he vasn't like them after all?

Belfast: He was really being kind to us...

Alabama: (looks down) And yet we gave him a cold shoulder. How ungrateful we are.

(Several months later)

(The shipgirls are minding their own business until they watch the breaking news.)

Reporter: Breaking news. The former commander of Azur Lane, Y/N L/N died in a traffic accident. Who caused this accident, we don't know. The police are trying to find clues which can lead them to the culprit.

(They turn off the TV and start crying.)

Taihou: (sobs) What have we done?

(They keep crying as they then hear some voices.)


"Ungrateful Whores!"

"You're better off dead!"

(These voices lead them to depression as they don't feel like doing anything anymore.)

Roon: Y/N is dead... and this is all our fault...

Implacable: Y/N was the only commander who treated us with kindness, and yet... we treated him like trash...

South Dakota: All because of the others before him... we thought he was like them...

Kaga: Some of them tried to rape us and this traumatized us, even though they got arrested.

(Then their minds deteriorated completely to the point they became murderous towards other people, but they also decided to build a shrine full of Y/N's pictures, body pillows and other stuff related to him. They also built a memorial for him.)

Shipgirls: (sob) Why did you have to die, Y/N? Why were we so stupid?

(Unbeknownst to them Y/N is still alive and the accident was caused by G.O.D., who kidnapped him and tried to make him their member only for him to fight against them as Kamen Rider X.)

(Several months later, G.O.D. had some plans for Azur Lane, but Y/N decided to stop them.)

Y/N: Dai Henshin!

(Y/N transforms into Kamen Rider X.)

X: Ridol Whip!

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X: Ridol Whip!

(X summons his Ridol whip and charges at Kingdark as he swings the whip at him, hitting him. He keeps hitting him. Kingdark then dodges his next attacks, only for X to hit him again. Suddenly Kingdark launches a rocket from his fingertip and blows Kamen Rider X away. As he hets up, he stumbles across a shrine and a memorial as he realizes that they have his pictures and other stuff related to him, causing him to freak out a bit.)

X: A shrine and a memorial... for me? I thought they hated me.

(X couldn't process anything as he remembers he has to deal with Kingdark. He charges at him again and slashes him twice before changing his weapon.)

X: Ridol Stick!

(Ridol Whip changes to Ridol Stick and he hits Kingdark with it. Then he prepares to finish him.)


(X uses the Ridol Stick to make an 'X' symbol in front of him then tosses the Ridol Stick in the air and uses it as a high bar, then he spins around it a few times before he let's go and do the Rider kick which destroys Kingdark once and for all.)

X: Never underestimate the power of a Kamen Rider!

(Suddenly he notices the shipgirls are sad and depressed.)

X: Are you alright?

Washington: No, we're not.

X: Why? What happened?

F.D.G.: We were responsible for our former commander, Y/N's death.

Hood: He treated us with kindness, and all we did was treating him like trash... (sobs) just because he was a male commander.

Shinano: We felt nothing but regret since then... we didn't sleep... we didn't eat... we didn't even want to live anymore...

X: But then... why did you do this to him?

St. Louis: It's the previous commanders before him. They tried to rape us, but fortunately got arrested. Unfortunately the experience traumatized us...

August: Because of it, we judged Y/N unfairly and indirectly caused his death...

Shipgirls: We wish we could turn back in time and fix the mistake... but now it's too late...

(They cry and hug each other as X feels conflicted.)

X: (in mind) So that's why I was treated so badly back then... But still... Should I really reveal myself? After all I've been through? (sighs) Well, it doesn't matter. I can't blame them for this... not anymore.

(Then X takes his decision and reveals himself as Y/N, much to the shipgirls' shock.)

Enterprise: Y/N?

Y/N: Yep, that's me.

Belfast: You're... you're not mad at us, are you?

Y/N: Not anymore.

(Then the girls get overjoyed as their eyes tear with happiness.)

Bismarck: Ve're sorry vor treating you so badly.

Shipgirls: We swear to treat you better now.

(They then hug Y/N and shower him with kisses.)

(As the time passes, the shipgirls kept their promise to treat Y/N better, and even wanted to marry him now.)

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