Y. Dehya X Y. Candace X Male Mummy Reader X Y. Faruzan X Y. Dunyarzad

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(Y/N L/N is a general from the time of King Deshret due to the disaster caused by "Forbidden Knowledge". He used the forbidden technique "Coffin of Time" to seal himself, but as a result, he turned into a mummy. After thousands of years, the seal was broken and Y/N himself saw that everything had changed.)

Y/N: Man, how much things changed... (sees his hands) I guess this is what happens when you use such forbidden technique.

(Then he goes alleyways so nobody would suspect about a mummy walking around. Suddenly four girls are secretly watching him.)

Dehya: Mmmm

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Dehya: Mmmm... oh my... I never saw him before...

Cadance: He looks very cute underneath those bandages

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Cadance: He looks very cute underneath those bandages.

Faruzan: Yeah, he's the most interesting guy we could ever see

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Faruzan: Yeah, he's the most interesting guy we could ever see. I just don't know why he hides himself so much...

Dunarzad: Why does he hide? Isn't this obvious? Who wouldn't freak out by seeing a mummy walking over the streets?

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Dunarzad: Why does he hide? Isn't this obvious? Who wouldn't freak out by seeing a mummy walking over the streets?

Dehya: Well, he won't have to worry about anything else once we get him.

(Then they approach Y/N, who notices them and readies his polearm.)

Y/N: Who are you?

Cadance: I'm Cadance, scion of Al-Ahmar and Guardian of Aaru Village,

Dehya: Call me Dehya.

Faruzan: I'm Faruzan, renowned professor of the Sumeru Akademiya and member of the Haravatat Darshan.

Dunyarzad: And I'm Dunyarzad, daughter of the Homayani family, and follower of Lesser Lord Kusanali.

Y/N: Okay... and what do you want?

Girls: You!

Y/N: I must warn you, even though I became a mummy, I can still fight properly.

(Y/N then fights the four girls, but he eventually gets overwhelmed by their combined attacks. They then take him away and none of them was ever seen again.)

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