Yandere Caring and Loving Nepgear/Uni/Maho X Male Reader

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(Y/N is just an ordinary person, who somehow attracted the attention of three Goddess Candidates.)

Y/N: Man, how did this happen?

(Y/N remembers the day he met the Goddesses and the Candidates.)


(Y/N is seen with the girls as he introduces himself to them.)

Y/N: Hi... I'm Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.

Neptune: Nice to meet you too, rea...

(Noire books her head.)

Noire: Quiet, you idiot. (to Y/N) Sorry about her, she's an idiot. My name is Noire.

Vert: Call me Vert.

Blanc: Blanc.

Nepgear: I'm Nepgear, Neptune's sister

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Nepgear: I'm Nepgear, Neptune's sister.

Nepgear: I'm Nepgear, Neptune's sister

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Uni: I'm Uni, Noire's sister.

Uni: I'm Uni, Noire's sister

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Maho: And my name is Maho.

(They then started talking about things, but the three Candidates could only focus on Y/N.)

N/U/M: (in mind) Oh, Y/N. You're so cute. You'll be ours soon.

(Flashback Ends)

(Y/N is currently walking through a village, when suddenly three random girls approach him.)

Girl 1: My, my... what do we have here?

Girl 2: How about we give you some good time...

Y/N: No, thanks. I'm fine.

Girl 3: We weren't asking.

(Suddenly they get shot through their chests, and then beheaded as Nepgear, Uni and Maho show up in their Goddesses Forms.)


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P. Sister: You bitches... when someone says "no", they mean it!

 when someone says "no", they mean it!

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B. Sister: Are you alright, Y/N?

Y/N: Nepgear? Uni? Maho?

Y/N: Nepgear? Uni? Maho?

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G. Sister: Don't worry, Y/N. You're safe now.

Y/N: You look... different...

P. Sister: Well, we are the Candidates to become the next Goddesses.

B. Sister: And also... we couldn't let our future husband get tainted by some sluts, right?


(Nepgear, Uni and Maho are seen having a talk with Neptune, Noire, Vert and Blanc about Y/N.)

Nepgear: We need your help.

Neptune: It's about Y/N, right?

Noire: Not that I don't approve or something, but... why ask us for help?

Uni: Because we don't want him to think we're being possessive or something.

Maho: We just want him to love us, to become his wives.

Vert: Don't worry, we'll support you.

Blanc: All you need is to show how much you love him and care about him.

Noire: If someone tries to hurt him, then don't hesitate to make them pay the price.

Nepgear: Oh, we got it.

N/U/M: Thank you.

Goddesses: You're welcome.

(Flashback Ends)

P. Sister: We just want you to love us as much as we love you. It doesn't have to be painful.

Y/N: (sighs) I know... thank you for helping me. As a reward, I accept your love.

(The girls get overjoyed and tackle him before showering him with kisses. The four Goddesses are seen watching them.)

Neptune: And they lived happily ever after.

Noire: (groans) Idiotic as usual, Neptune.

Vert: I find it cute.

Noire: (to Blanc) You're not gonna say something idiotic, are you?

(Blanc remains silent.)

Noire: Thought so. Now come on, let's leave the lovebirds have their time. We've got much to do.

Neptune: Party pooper.

Noire: Idiot!

(Vert and Blanc simply sigh in annoyance.)

(Nepgear, Uni and Maho eventually married Y/N, and it had total support from the Goddesses and other Candidates.)

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