Yandere Gardevoir X Male Reader

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(Y/N is a Pokémon Trainer who has Gengar, Infernape, Dragonite, Darkrai, Blastoise and Gardevoir. Unfortunately, he notices that Gardevoir has been acting strangely.)

Y/N: Hmm... Gardevoir is acting strangely.

(He then walks away as he picks up one of his pokeballs.)

Y/N: Blastoise, I choose you!

(Blastoise is summoned, but he is somewhat beaten.)

Y/N: Blastoise? Blastoise, what's up?

(Y/N then sees some scars on Blastoise.)

Y/N: How is this possible? Who could ever do this?

(Suddenly one of his pokeballs shakes, and then it opens, revealing Gardevoir.)

Y/N: Gardevoir? I didn't summon you!

Gardevoir: Master, you don't need other Pokemons, you can choose only me

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Gardevoir: Master, you don't need other Pokemons, you can choose only me.

Y/N: Huh? What are you talking about? (realizes) You did this, didn't you?

(Gardevoir laughs maniacally.)

Gardevoir: (yandere tone) YES! I DID IT! I DID IT! I DIIIIIIIIIIID IT!

(Y/N backs away in fear.)

Gardevoir: Don't be afraid, master. I am the only Pokemon you'll ever need.

Y/N: You're insane!

(Y/N tries to pick up his phone, but Gardevoir uses her psychic powers to pull it.)

Gardevoir: I will not let you call anyone else ever again!

(She then breaks the phone, and then Y/N tries to run away, but she uses her psychic powers to pull him close to her, and then she hugs him.)

Gardevoir: Shh... shh... calm down, master. I'm here now, and I'll never leave you. I hope you can be a loyal master yourself now. Or do I need to keep you in a black hole?

Y/N: (scared) N... no...

Gardevoir: I'm glad I won't have to resort to that, master. Looks like you're finally accepting me. Now... how about a kiss?

(Gardevoir kisses Y/N, who reluctantly kisses back.)

Gardevoir: Hmm, I've been waiting for this for a long time, master.

(Then Gardevoir drags him into the Pokeball, where they have sex and are forever trapped. Whenever someone picks it up, both moans and screams of pleasure are heard.)

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