Ultraman Belial (Early Style) Male Reader X Yandere Loving Azur Lane Harem

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(Ultraman Belial, also known as Y/N L/N in this universe as it is his identity in this universe, is stuck in a different universe and he find himself in a human form and can't transform into his Ultra form.)

Y/N: (stern) Geed...

(Y/N remembers his defeat at the hands of his own son Ultraman Geed when he was under the influence of Alien Reiblood.)

Y/N: I'll find a way to get back at you someday, son. But for now...

(Y/N decides to devise a new plan to conquer the world. FIrst he enlists into Azur Lane as one of the commanders and makes a research about both Shipgirls and Sirens. The next phase was treating the shipgirls with kindness, which made them loyal to him.)

Enterprise: This new commander is so cool.

Bismarck: He's not like thr other komandants.

Belfast: Indeed, he treated us as equals.

Akagi: Ara ara... I wonder if he's good at bed...

Kaga: (glares) Sis, don't say things like this!

Alabama: Yeah, you're making the other commanders look like saints...

Washington: I noticed how jealous the others got of Y/N.

Amagi: I wonder what they're planning...

Hood: (sees one of the commanders' computer.) I guess I know what they're planning to do.

(The shipgirls find out that the other commanders are trying to frame Y/N for stealing valuable informations and sending them to the Sirens, and then they meet the other commanders, and pretend to not know anything, but as the commanders try to speak.)

Roon: We don't believe in you!

Unicorn: You're lying. You always lie.

(Then the shipgirls show the proof that Y/N didn't steal any information.)

Enterprise: (cracks her knuckles) This will be the last time we'll ever look at your disgusting faces.

(The shipgirls start beating the other commanders to a pulp and torture them in a secret room as they laugh maniacally.)

Belfast: You deserve every second of this torture for trying to frame our Y/N!

(Meanwhile, Y/N didn't know what happened to the others.)

Y/N: Maybe they left or went missing...


(After a while, Y/N decides he doesn't care about world domination anymore and only seeks to protect the shipgirls and probably everyone else.)

Y/N: Maybe I was wrong about the Land of Light after all...

(Suddenly Gomora starts attacking the city, and Y/N thinks about what he can possibly do until a light glows in his chest.)

Y/N: Is that...

(Y/N steps up and transforms into Ultraman Belial (Early Style).)


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