Yandere Rejecting Akeno X OP Son of Samus and Doomslayer Reader X Loving Rias

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(Y/N Aran is the son of the galactic Bounty Hunter Samus Aran and the Doomslayer himself. He's also a student of Kuoh Academy who has a crush on Akeno. One day he decided to confess to her, but she laughs.)

Akeno: I would never date a laser like you. And besides, I already have a boyfriend.

(She walks away, leaving a heartbroken Y/N. Rias sees that and decides to talk with him.)

Rias: She rejected you, didn't she?

Y/N: Not only that... she laughed at my face and called me a loser.

Rias: Y/N, you're not a loser. You're the son of the most badass people in the supernatural world.

Y/N: Well... you're right about that...

Rias: Tell you what, I'll cheer you up.

(Y/N and Rias keep talking during one week and he started having feelings for her.)

Y/N: Hey Rias... thanks for helping me... I'm feeling better now. So... would you like to be my girlfriend?

Rias: More than anything.

(Then they have a kiss and started dating, but Akeno saw this and didn't like.)

Akeno: What the hell... I thought he... (growls) This is all my that bastard's fault... I can't believe he simply dumped me for no reason!

(Akeno storms off and suddenly hears moans.)

Alex: (groans) You're much tighter than my ex.

(Akeno then opens the door and sees Alex having sex with a fallen angel, which makes her snap.)

Akeno: YOU JERK!

(Akeno angrily electrocutes both Alex and the fallen angel, causing both of them to scream in pain before killing them.)

Akeno: Damn... what am I supposed to do now... I don't have anyone... not even... Y/N...

(She then kneels down and starts sobbing)

Akeno: In the end... the only loser... was me... why did I do this to him? Why? If only I could tell him I actually felt the same... but it's too late now... he has Rias... or does he?

(Akeno decides to look for Y/N so she can tell him she loves him, but once she finally found him, she saw him and Rias making out, causing her to snap.)


(Akeno bursts the door open and tries to attack Rias, who defends herself by using some martial arts she's learned in middle school.)

Rias: I learned martial arts during middle school.

Akeno: It doesn't matter, I'll get Y/N back once I-ugh...

(Akeno then notices someone shot her legs, and it's none other than Y/N holding his mother's pistol.)

Y/N: If I wanted to use my father's sword, I would... but there are fates worse than death.

(Suddenly some officers come in.)

Officer: What happened here?

Rias: (points at Akeno) It's her, sir. She tried to attack us, but my boyfriend defended me.

Officer: I see... (glares at Akeno) You're under arrest!

Rias: Just another thing...

(Rias then performs a ritual which removes Akeno's piece.)

Rias: And... we're done.

Officer: I'll pretend I didn't see that. My boss wouldn't believe it anyway.

(Then the officer takes Akeno away while Y/N and Rias got married as he easily defeated Riser Phenex. Some days later in prison... Akeno is seen wasted away.)

Akeno: If I didn't reject Y/N... I wouldn't be in this situation... so alone... (sobs) so alone...

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