Y. Abusive/Rejecting Turned Loving/Caring A.L. x Depressed/Suicidal Cmd M.R.

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(Y/N is a commander of Azur Lane, but he wasn't exactly wanted. The shipgirls abused him for no reason. He even confessed his feelings towards them, but they laugh at his face.)

Enterprise: Are you kidding me? We would never date someone like you!

Belfast: Why are you even here?

(Then they start beating him up again. Because of the abuse and the rejection, Y/N fell in depression, and thought about committing suicide.)

Y/N: Why should I bother? It's obvious they don't like me... nobody does...

(He remembers all bad things which happened in his life before he got to become a commander. He remembers being abused by his parents, bullied by his colleagues at school, neglected by the teachers, and even cheated on by his old girlfriend.)

Y/N: Maybe I'm not wanted after all... the world is better off without me...

(Then he walks to a nearby subway and awaits for a train to hit him. Suddenly there's an explosion, and some part of the ceiling falls over him.)

(Meanwhile with Azur Lane, the shipgirls are seen minding their own business until Akagi comes in.)

Akagi: Girls, you need to see that.

(The girls go to see the news of a terrorist attack in the subway Y/N was in.)

Reporter: Breaking news, there was a terrorist attack in this subway located near Azur Lane. We don't know who are the responsible for this attack, but only one casuality was found.

(The news switch to some medics taking Y/N out of the wreckage, much to the shipgirls' surprise.)

Reporter: The individual whose name is unidentified at the moment was in the railway when it happened. We don't know why, but the question is... who are those terrorists? What are their reason for those attacks?

(As the reporter resumes the news, the shipgirls turn off the TV, and show a guilty expression.)

Enterprise: Girls... I think we went too rough on Y/N...

Belfast: I'm feeling like trash...

Bismarck: What if he didn't survive?

Kaga: No... NO! He can't die like this!

Alabama: There's only one solution to this... we must visit him.

Hood: What about those terrorists? What if they plan to finish what they started?

Enterprise: Bismarck, Belfast, gather your team and find those terrorists who attacked the subway. Akagi, we'll visit Y/N.

(Some moments later in a hospital, Y/N is seen unconscious in his bed as the shipgirls come to see him completely patched up due to the bruises. Then they start crying in regret.)

Shipgirls: We did this to him... those horrible things, those bad words... everything... and now we might lose him...

(Y/N then wakes up, and tries to get up, but can't move.)

Enterprise: Y/N, are you okay?

(Y/N doesn't respond.)

Enterprise: Look, we're sorry for everything we have done... please, forgive us.

(Y/N still doesn't respond.)

Akagi: (sighs) I guess he's giving us a silent treatment...

Roon: Why were you in that subway? Especially when a terrorist attack occurred?

(Y/N keeps giving them a silent treatment.)

Roon: Look, if it's because of what we did, we understand... (sobs) but please, talk to us... we're sorry...

(Despite being unable to move, Y/N somehow manages to see the shipgirls, and notices they're saddened.)

Impacable: We're so, so, so sorry for hurting you. We're going to treat you better. Please, give us a chance, and we'll give you the best treatment you could ever ask for.

(Over time, the shipgirls started visiting Y/N often and even giving him gifts, flowers and even chocolate. Once he recovered he was tackled into a hug by the shipgirls, who confessed their feelings to Y/N. Y/N had gotten over his depression ever since.)

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