Yandere Caring Loving Ganyu x Male Human Kirby Reader

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(Ever since Y/N last saved Pop Star, he uses his Warp Star to travel around, when he suddenly ends up in Teyvat.)

Y/N: Hmm

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Y/N: Hmm... where am I?

????: Welcome to Teyvat.

(Y/N turns to see a blue haired girl.)

Y/N: Who are you?

Ganyu: I am Ganyu, general secretary of the Liyue Qixing

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Ganyu: I am Ganyu, general secretary of the Liyue Qixing. What's your name, cutie?

Y/N: Um... I'm Y/N. You got something for me to eat? I'm hungry.

Ganyu: (giggles) I can guide you to a nearby cafe if you want.

Y/N: (excited) POYO!

Ganyu: (in mind) He's so cute... and will soon be mine forever.

(Y/N fails to notice Ganyu's devious smirk)


(Y/N is seen eating sandwich, pudding and drinking some juice. Suddenly Keqing comes in.)

Keqing: Hey Ganyu

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Keqing: Hey Ganyu. You didn't tell me you'd bring your cute friend.

(Ganyu angrily throws an ice ball at her, and she defends herself with a sword.)

Ganyu: (stern) He's mine, you hear me? MINE!

Y/N: Hey, calm down, Ganyu.

Ganyu: No, you need to understand that you belong to me. I'll make you mine, no matter what.

Y/N: Look, Ganyu... I can be your boyfriend if you promise to not be murderous.

(Ganyu thinks for a while and makes her decision.)

Ganyu: Okay, I won't kill anyone, except those who dare harm you.

(Then Y/N hugs Ganyu, who hugs back.)

(Next day, Y/N is seen fighting the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger, but is in disavantage, which causes Ganyu to join the fight.)

Ganyu: I'll protect you until the end, Y/N!

(Then Y/N and Ganyu fight the Harbinger together and manage to beat him. Since then, they started living a happy life together.)

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