Chapter 1: 057

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"Just a little more 057" the doctor said a syringe in hand "You really are the pride of this experiment." he smiled as he came up to my cage and inserted the needle into my neck

"I told them that the younger they are the better" he said patting my head "You're far better disciplined than your companion 098" As he said that I heard 098 scream as they tried to put the needle in him

"I'm not going to be like them! Like her!" he yelled looking at me. His eyes were bloodshot as he jerked away "Let go off me!" Of course they do eventually get the liquid in his body and his yell turned into a scream. His body twitched in its cage. They were all foolish. If you tried to struggle the drug hurt you. I felt it burning through my body but no noise came out my mouth. I stay silent and I get food. Maybe I'll actually get real food this time instead of that strange red drink. It kept the hunger away but I don't like it. It maked me feel funny.

The boy in the other cage is still twitching and jerking on the floor. I watched him for a while until his body went slack. That's another one fixed and gone. They all get fixed eventually. I am the only one who hasn't yet. I wonder where they go I thought as they drag his body away. I hope it's somewhere nice.

"Are you hungry 057?" The doctor asked looking at me his eyes kind. I nodded slowly. No speaking allowed. "I thought so. Here" he said putting a bottle to the top of my cage filled with the red blood. It sort of smelled like the boy they dragged out. Did he help make it? I hope so, that would make him happy. I smiled as I tilt my head up and drank. The burning goes away again.  

 "Good girl" The doctor said taking the empty bottle away. Yes, I am a good girl.


 099 arrived today. He's ill. His face is far too tanned to be normal and his eyes bright. They'll fix him though like they fix the others. Like they are going to fix me, right? He is pushed into the cage next to me. He doesn't yell like the other ones. That's nice he already likes it here.

 "Hello" he whispered to me. I wave and gesture for him to be quiet. "They don't let you talk?" He asked. I shake my head. Speaking is bad. I try and tell him this with my hands but he doesn't seem to understand. If he keeps talking they'll come with the sharp thing and mark my skin again. They'll come with the burn thing for him and put his name on his neck like mine

 "My name is Max" he said and I shake my head again. No your name is 099. Why doesn't anyone know their names?

 "What's your name" he asked. I point at the mark on my neck

 "057? That's not a name, it's a number" he said watching me. I shake my head. My name is 057, it always has been, always will be.

 "Well don't you worry, soon we'll be out of here" 099 said smiling again. I shake my head again and look away. You only leave when you are fixed.  


The doctor hasn't come down since 099 showed up and I am hungry. It's burning again and 099 smells really good. I wonder why I only just noticed? It's noisy upstairs too, I don't like it. Especially the look 099 has on his face. Suddenly the door opened and I jump looking for the doctor. He will bring food with him because I'm a good girl and I didn't talk to 099. But it is not his face I see. It's is a big man with black hair. He is also ill his skin tanned and eyes a bright brown. His face has a mark on it thats white like the marks I have from the sharp thing. He also has black markings on his neck. He smiles wide when he see us

 "Max!" he called his voice loud and echoes around the room. I flinch at the noise. Too loud.

 "Yes, General" 099 called out "In the cage down here" The man he called General doesn't even use the stairs he just jumped down. He doesn't pull a key out either he just breaks the cage door. 

 "Thanks General" he said smiling as he climbs up. These men are bad, the doctor will be angry and get the needle. I back away from the cage right into the corner

 "Who's this?" the big man asked staring at me. I look away and shake my head. Stop talking we are going to get in trouble. 

 "I don't know she hasn't said a word since I came in. She only points at the burn scar on her neck" 099 said 

"057? Maybe that's what they called her" the man said looking at me strangely

 "Let's get out of here General" 099 said "We've probably got to kill her too"

 "No" The man said opening my cage. "She'll come with us" I stare at him as he reaches out a hand to me

 "What!" 099 said "You can't be serious!"

 "It's not her fault she's in here!" he yelled making me jump. He quickly turns to me, his eyes sad.

 "You go check upstairs with the others" the man said glaring at 099 

"Yes sir" he grumbled walking up the stairs

 "Hello" the man said gently "My name is General" I shake my head. That can't be his name. It's not like mine

 "Don't touch her!" Someone yelled. The doctor! Oh no he'll think I was bad and trying to leave before I was fixed. I shrink to the back of my cage.

  "She's the only success we've had I won't let you kill her" the doctor yelled a scalpel in hand.

 "Success? Meaning you turned her into a fury!" General bellowed. Too loud! I covered my ears with my hands.

 "Yes! She is my prid-" His words were stopped by a choking noise. I looked up. There is a knife in the doctor's body. He's fixed. He falls and the smell fills the air. I am so hungry. I leap out of my cage and run to his body. He has the red drink coming out of his wound. Blood. I jump back away or at least I try too. I've been drinking blood  this whole time.

 "Its okay" I jumped turning to face General. He looked sadly at me "If you are hungry eat" I shake my head.

  "Very well then" he said "Come with me" I shake my head again

 "Why not?" he asked

 "I'm not fixed yet" I whispered my voice cracked with disuse. "I can't leave until I'm fixed"   

 "What do you mean you're not fixed" he asked again stepping closer too me

 "You just fixed the doctor" I mumble "Fix me!" I stare at him my eyes frantically searching his  

 "You don't need fixing" he said softly taking another step to me "It's okay you can leave this place. You don't have to be trapped in your cage" I don't have to be in my cage? I'm already outside of it, I didn't even notice I'd left its safety. I want to go back. It makes sense for me to go back, doesn't it?

"Do you want me in the cage?" I asked looking at him

"No" General said taking two steps "I want you outside the cage"

"I'm not fixed" I whispered looking at my feet

"No you're not but we can fix you outside of here" I looked up at him as he says his words. He is right in front of me looking down "And the first way to fix you is for you to tell me your name"

"057" I responded quickly "My name is 057"

"No that's a number, do you remember having a name?" I shaked my head slowly  "Then I'll give you one" He says pulling me into a hug. I gasp but don't pull away. He is warm. The only person who has ever touch me is the doctor.

"Mera" he whispered into my hair "Your name will be Mera"

"Mera" I whispered back.

 Yes my name is Mera  


Hello! I am Lily and this is my new story. The above picture is a picture of that I based Mera on. I really hope you liked the first chapter and please if you did vote and comment your favourite part.

I don't really know how I will be updating but please BEAR with me. Ha. Ha. Ha. Bear puns


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