Chapter 9: An Unwanted Surprise

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Thankfully Lun decided not to kill me in the morning. Unfortunately he decided to ignore me instead which made breakfast very awkward. He made the food silently and passed it to me with a glare. A deafening silence filled the air as Mera and Greta were both out eating themselves and each time I tried to talk it was answered with quiet. Eventually I just ended up talking to Klaus

"We are pretty behind on training" I said to him taking a bite of bread "Why don't we do some after we find the other one?"

"If we have time too" He said thoughtfully "Though we might need a partner seeing as we don't have our equipment"

"Hmm that will be a problem" I said looking at Lun "I doubt we'll find any powerfully partners as I am the strongest in the group" My obvious attempt to anger him only got me a nasty glare. I sighed. He was no fun like this. Before I could continue my conversation with Klaus, Mera leaped down making Lun jump. I laughed as he fell backwards and glared at Mera

"Sorry" She said sheepishly "I didn't realize I would scare you"

"You didn't scare me" He muttered

"Ah!" I yelled "So the princess can speak!" His scowl turned to me and if I was a weaker person I would have cringed at the venom in it. Sadly his scowl is all I got and with a huff he stood and started putting things away.

"Anyway" I said smirking as I turn to Mera "How was your drink, Fangs?" Her eyes widened and her cheeks flushed red at my words. Huh, I didn't know vampires could blush

"That's not nice" She murmured looking at me with a frown on her face

"But that is what you did?" I said tilting my head "You went out into the forest and drank some water. Oh wait I meant blood" Her eyes filled with anger and this time I am a bit scared. Vampires are deadly when angry even if they had just fed. I take a step back and put my hands up

"No need for such a look" I said trying to keep my voice steady "I was just joking" Her eyes widened again and the anger faded. All that is left is sadness and...fear?

"We should get going" She whispered looking down at her shoes "I'll go find Greta" She dashed away quickly and soon it was like she was never there

"She was scared" Lun said from behind me his voice light

"But of what?" I asked staring at the floor where she had stood

"Who knows" Lun said looking away but we both do knew, we just didn't want to say it.


It didn't take long for Mera and Greta to come back to camp and by then we had packed up. We started walking again in silence. I wanted to talk and fill the eerie forest with noise but I had no idea what to say so instead I walked. We walked for two hours before coming to the end of the forest. For the first time in what seemed like ages I saw sky. Clouds floated lazily in the air and the sky was bright blue. Both Lun and I relaxed but Mera seemed to tighten as we walked. Her eyes searched the open landscape as though she thought something would jump out and get her. Or maybe she was just worried we'd get seen and have nowhere to hide. I can't ever tell what is going on in her mind and I didn't like it. Everyone was normally so easy to read but Mera was like a blank slate. Actually it's more like she is hiding something and whatever that something is she has been hiding it for a long time. I shaked my head, there is no point in thinking about these things. It's not as though I'll see them again after this so there is no reason for me to be concerned.

Still every time I looked at her I felt it. An aching sadness that never seemed to leave. There was something else there too but even I can't sense it. I'm sure Klaus and Greta can felt it though. Neither of them wanted to get too close to her. Probably because she was a vampire, though I wonder for how long she has been that way. She said she is sixteen but does that mean she herself is sixteen or her body is? I didn't really want to find out.

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