Chapter 7: No, I'm Going!

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She was standing there, her eyes filled with tears. Blood fell from her wounds and her dress was flaming. The air filled with her screams as the fire ate her

"Run!" She screamed "Lun! You have to run!" But I couldn't move. My body was frozen, locked in place. And then I saw it, that horrible head of silver hair. Her sword trailed on the floor as she walked over to me. Her eyes blank and her steps steady. She smirked at me and I feel anger fill my body. 


"Kill him" She said turning away and suddenly where she stood was a group of pirates. The same pirates that killed her and now would kill me. They descended on me their blades high. Their swords pierced me and their guns blowed holes in my body. My body went numb and I fall looking to the sky

"It's okay Lun" I heard someone say "It just a dream" Just a dream?


My eyes flew open and the vampire looked over me. Her red eyes are only just visible in the dark. She is on a branch just above mine, crouching slightly. I sazt up and glared at her

"What are you doing up here?" I said my voice ruff "And why are you up this late? Early? Whatever!"

"You were making some noises and I was worried you'd fall out of your tree" She said looking at my (poorly) made knot. "I was up anyway"

"Did you say anything?" I asked

"Yes, I said it's just a dream" Mera replied "General use to tell me that when I woke up. It's suppose to be comforting, right?" Her voice was small and she looked away as though she is scared of what I'll say. Strange...

"I suppose" I replied slowly "I mean it made me realise I was dreaming"

"Really?" She said turning back to me a small smile on her lips "It never really worked for me so I was worried I said the wrong thing"

"Really" I said looking up at the younger girl. I smiled slightly at her. If you forget about her eyes she could be just a normal underground girl.

"That's good" She whispered "Anyway we don't have to leave for a few hours, you shouldn't try and get some more sleep" She smiled at me when I nodded. I watched as she climbs higher up the tree and then jumped into the darkness. I shaked my head and laid back down


Once I woke again the sun has risen and Elryria was also awake. A small fire had been built and she seemed to be cooking, making the air smell like bacon

"You up, Sleeping Beauty?" Elryria called from below snickering "Breakfast is ready!" I rolled my eyes and got up from my sleep bag. I pulled it together and climbed down from the tree

"Where is the vampire?" I asked once I am down

"Up in the trees somewhere" She replied motioning to the trees "She left when I started cooking." She shrugged

"She isn't like any vampire I've met" She continued glancing up "Something about her is different, I don't know what though"

"Who cares?" I groaned sitting down "What's for breakfast?"

"Toast and bacon" She answered passing me a plate

"No eggs?" I sighed. How can you breakfast without eggs? I sigh missing Sue's food. Gods she always had something nice to eat. Sometimes I think she joined Chief just to eat uncommon foods

"Hard to travel with eggs" Elryria sighed "So we didn't get any. Sorry Overworld boy"

"Don't call me that" I said glaring at her before taking a bite

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