Chapter 12 and 1/2: Vita

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Ah yes the great battle. The redhead smiled cruelly as he looked down on the frozen field. He had taken many lives that day. The same life he had given to them. How he enjoyed playing games with those he created. It was worth Mortem wrath to play with them even for a little bit. And her wrath was something to be feared. The guide of death was not kind nor merciful. Her anger was painful and deep. His smile deepened and he almost laughed thinking of her outrage.

She would be very cross when she saw what he had recently create. Or more allowed into life. The fury that walked across this field was of his making. Her pain and suffering gifts he had given.

"She will love them, one day" He said to himself as they moved to the fortress. "She will be thankful for the power I created. Be thankful that it was I who gave it to her. The day her life is mine again she will thank me"

"They will all thank me for the worthless lives I gave them. Living things are so pathetic" He growled his red eyes blazing like the fire he is know for. He shakes his head and turns from the battlefield. He has more important things to waste his time on. And just like Vita Bringer Of Life walked away. 

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