Chapter 15: Even More Magic?

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I could hear Lun muttering and Mera humming as they climbed. My head swam as we moved higher and higher into the sky. I stared at the stars and sighed. A funny feeling filled my chest. Where I used to live I could never see the sky. The underground might have some of the city above the dirt but most of it rests beneigh. The factories hidden from sight. Only the main street and the sacred temple was above. As a child I mostly spent my time on the main street, begging, stealing, and working. Not anymore. Now I mostly spend my time above and below employed to steal. I even sneaked into the Aboveworld. I've never been caught either. No wonder they call me the Phantom Thief. I smiled and then let out a giggled

"Phantom thief" I whispered to the stars and giggled louder

"Elryria" Klaus said "Go to sleep"

"Okay....." I said smiling at him when he laid next to me. His warmth filled me and I smiled wider

"I won't let you fall" Kou rumbled and I hummed

"I know" I mumbled pushing my head into his fur "'Night"

"Sleep well Elryria" Klaus said and I smiled sleepily at him. My eyes fell shut and my mind slowed and emptied.


The light woke me and I slowly opened my eyes. I am no longer on Kou but on the ground. I sat up and stared at the blanket that fell off of me. I turned and saw a pillow on the ground. They aren't mine. I didn't bring a blanket and my pillow is bigger. Who could have put me down?

"Are you feeling better?" I jumped and looked up, the sun making me squint. All I could see was a shadow but I knew it was Mera staring down at me

"A bit" I replied "My head feels a bit funny"

"It might be because the stairway is still up" She said bending down and holding out her hand. I gingerly took it and allowed myself to be pulled up.

"Should I keep it up?" I asked "We might need it to get down" Mera shaked her head

"Lun found a sky boat" she said "He said he could use it to get us down"


"We thought you might need a break"

"I've already had a break" I huffed

"Yeah but it's possible that you will need to use your magic to get the last familiar"

"Oh, yeah I guess so" I said blushing

"Do you want to take the stair down now?"

"Yeah" I said moving forward to the edge of the...island?

"Are we floating?" I asked looking back at her

"Yes, Caelum temple has been afloat for years. It is said to be that he and Prophetas got in a argument over who owned the mountain. Caelum hates fighting and so lifted his temple into the air along with parts of the mountain. No one knows how or why he kept it afloat even after they made up" Mera said as though reciting it from a book

"Umm thanks" I said raising my eyebrows at her. Her cheeks filled with blood and she turned away. I sighed, somehow I managed to upset her again

"Sorry" I said "I just wasn't expected a proper explanation"

"It's okay" she mummered "I only know what I've read in books and what General told me so I tend to just recite what I've learnt. I don't really know how to make it into my own words" I shrugged and smiled at her

"Didn't your mum or dad read you stories about the gods?" I asked as I began to take the stairway down. The magic flowed back into me and my headache slowly disappeared

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