Chapter 15 and 1/2: Caelum

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"She's not actually that bad" The boy whispered looking down on Elryria, Lun, and Mera as the walked into his temple. A bird chirped as it landed next to him

"Mortem of course" The boy said grinning at his bird friend. She was but a bluebird, nothing special to many, but the boy knew she was one of a kind.

"Mortem is just lonely" He said to the bird and she chirped "Well yes most humans are. The ones down there especially" A pigeon flew over and landed next to them right on the head of the dragon statue and tweeted loudly

"You're right, but there isn't much I can do. I just hope they find what they are looking for in my temple" The boy sighed only for the pigeon to chirp loudly again

"Why didn't I stop the others? My temple is for all, even those who don't mean well" The boy said his blue hair falling in his face. "Its not as though I could have stopped them. They would have just found somewhere else" A dove flew over and landed on his shoulder and voiced her opinion

"Well that's a different matter" The boy said stiffly "I refuse to have people damaging my home." She chirped angrily at him

"Oh they're fine" He said smiling "I just sent them away. They should know better than to try and anger me"

"Oh don't look at me that way" He said to the dove standing. She just tilted her head and flew away

"You're right, it's time to get going" He sighed running a hand through his blue hair. He walked to the edge of his temple and gentle fell off

And just like that Caelum, Guardian of the Sky, disappeared into the air. 

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