Chapter 19: I Need Magic

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Three doors. Three of us. Was this place designed for us coming!? I stared at the one with my name on it. It was in cursive and it was swerving and curly. I didn't like it. At all. Mera's door had a simple and small font, just like her, and Lun's was big and blocky, just like him?

"I don't like this" I said to my companions "It's like this place new we're coming..."

"This place is magic, so maybe it did" Lun said staring at his door

"Well it's creepy as fuck" I said and he nodded

"So are we going to go through them?" He said "I'm guessing we can't go through the ones without our names on them"

"You're probably right" Mera said "We are being forced to split up"

"We are close though" Kou said from my said "I can feel Captain"

"I would say it is a safe assumption to assume that past these doors is Captain" Mera said

"I guess" Lun sighed "So what about the familiars? There are four of them. Who will take two?"

"I'm assuming only Noka wants to come with me?" Mera said looking down at the furry creature on her shoulder. The other familiars nodded and she shaked her head "Then we better get going"

"Wait Mera!" I said as she pushed her door open

"What?" She asked

"Be careful, okay"

"You too" she said blushing before turning and disappearing. The door closed behind her and then faded into the wall. Lun and I turned and glupped

"You take Kou and Trix" he said to me "Greta and I will make it alone"

"Okay" I said nodding "Good luck"

"Yeah, you too" he said "Oh and don't go dying Elryria"

"So you do care about me" I teased

"Nah, I just want to kill you myself" He winked and went into his door. Just like Mera's it faded away.

"Ready guys?" I asked to the familiars by my side and Klaus. They nodded and we walked forward. I slowly opened the door and stared into the darkness.

"Well at least, you guys are" I muttered and walked inside. The door shut behind us and pitch blackness surrounded us. I moved forward cautiously and the room slowly lit up. It was a medium sized cavern with candles lighting the walls which made the room glow a light orange. Someone stood in the center of the room with their back away from us. Their hair was long and black, tied into a ponytail. They were tall, maybe even taller than me.

"Who are you?" I called and they jumped

"So you arrived" The person said their voice loud and echoing. "I almost didn't think you'd make it"

"I asked you a question" I growled "You better answer"

"But you won't like the answer" They said

"Don't matter" I said and they shrugged. It turned and faced us, it face frowning. Her. Her face was frowning. Her blue eyes were piercing and she looked very unhappy

"Are you happy now?" She asked her voice way too loud

"I still don't know who the fuck you are" I yelled and her eyes widened.

"Really?" She said staring at me "You really don't know who I am?"

"Of course I don't" I said glaring

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