Chapter 22: And They Opened The Door

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I slowly pushed the door open and saw Elryria and Mera


I burst through the doorway and I saw Mera


I carefully cracked open the door and I saw no one.

The room we had stepped in was dark with a single light source coming from the ceiling. It was damp and cold, I could see my breath. There are two other doors. The others weren't here yet. They were still fighting. I took a deep breath and turned away from the doors. I had to trust that the doors would open. I wanted to go and smash them down but we have a job to do. Captain. She was in here somewhere

"We'll find her" I whispered to Noka

"I know" she said back. I nodded and stepped forward. The light in the room seemed to be natural and it lit up a figure. She was tied, no chained, in the center of the room. There was dried blood on the floor and her scent hit my nose. I tried not to make a noise as the stench rose. Her black hair was matted and greasy. The feathers that were braided in were ruffled and dirty. The flower that normally was in bloom had died and gone brown. I walked over and saw the cuts and bruises covered her body. Her wrists were raw and the skin was broken.

"Captain?" I whispered but got no response. I walked closer and saw her eyes were closed.

"She is alive, don't worry" I said to Noka

"Are you sure?" Noka asked

"I'm sure"


"Well first of all you are still here." I said smiling softly "And secondly I can hear her breathing and feel her pulse"

"Oh thank the Gods" Noka muttered

"Now, I'm going to try and wake her" I said and Noka nodded. I took Captain's shoulders and gently shaked her. Her eyes flickered open, suddenly showing their blue to the world. She stared at me

"Mera?" she asked her voice rough and quiet but still with her strange accent 

"That's right. I'm here to get you out"

"Ahh, okay" she mummered her eyes closing again.


"I can't....too tired.." she whispered

"Okay" I said "Noka why don't you go to her. Let me know if she needs to be woken. I'll try and get these off"

"Understood" Noka said jumping off me and landing on Captain. She wrapped herself loosely around Captain shoulder and I got to work. I tried to cut the chains open with my knives but they are too close to Captain's skin. Instead I work at picking the locks. It took too long but I managde to get one off of her leg. Suddenly a door behind crashed open. I turned and saw Elryria standing over a broken door.

"Ummmm, so, maybe I shouldn't have broken door" Elryria said rubbing her neck "I realise now that it was a bit...over the top"

"I'm so glad you are alright" I said

"Yeah...I'm glad too" she said smiling "Now let's get the Captain out of here" Together we managed to break two more chains but now I had to hold Captain up. One arm remained chained when Lun strolled in.

"You guys aren't done yet?" he said smirking "I guess you really are useless without me"

"Shut up asshole" Elryria said though she was smiling "Help me with the last one"

Finally she was free and her body fell from its prison

"I will carry her" I said picking her up bridal style

"She is a lot....smaller than I imagined" Elryria said "And she doesn't look like she from the Underground"

"She is not Overworld either" Lun said nodding

"No, she is from the Northern Isles"

"That far away?" Elryria said "What is she doing here?"

"What are any of us doing here?" Lun asked "Let's get out of here" We nodded and made our way out through Elryria's broken doorway. Slowly we traveled back through the labyrinth. At least this time there were no visions or battles waiting us.


She watched as they traveled through the labyrinth again. Her eyes sad as she looked over them.

"You've set a cruel fate for the three of them" she said turning to her companion. Her voice was cold and echoing

"And?" Vita said looking at his nails

"And? You think their lives are small, Bringer of Life" she said looking down on him with her white eyes

"They are. You are the one who thinks too much of their lives, Mortem" He rolled his eyes

"You'll do well not to anger me, Vita" she said "I am still debating whether or not I will kill you again"

"I'll just come back if you do" he sang

"Yes, that is the problem" she sighed

"Oh don't say things like that" he complained "I make things interesting for you"

"You make me clean up your messes" she said

"You love it" he smirked

"You're an idiot" she said

"Don't be cruel" he gasped

"I can not be cruel" she said

"You can't be anything" he huffed

"You act as though you are surprised" she said "Though I am surprised that you choose one of his"

"I like messing with Stellarum's things" Vita smiled

"I've realized" she said

"Don't you have souls to collect?" he sighed

"I do not collect anything, I am a guide" she said

"Right....a guide" he laughed and suddenly he was gone

"He believes he can run from me" she said to the creature resting at her feet. He lifted his skeleton head and stared up at her from his empty eyes

"Nothing can hide from you, Guide" he rumbled

"Indeed" she said "Clima, keep watch over these three. I fear we will be seeing them soon"

"Very well, Guide" he said bowing his head and stalked off

"Mera, Elryria, and Lun" the goddess said "May you travel well. I hope I do not see you for a very long time"  


And that is it! That is the end of book 1! I hope you enjoyed it 


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