Chapter 13: An Icy Hello

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It felt as though we were walking through a graveyard. Elryria kept mumbling that she wasn't afraid or creeped out despite the fact that she was clinging to the wolf. Mera was behind me and everything about her was tense. Maybe seeing all the blood was making her uneasy. I, on the other hand was fine. Sure it was horrific but wars are. These people died for their country so they died for what they believed in. Not to mention they are with Mortem now. They might have suffered at first but now they are at peace. My hands moved as we walk and I recited the chant of Mortem under my breath.

"May these souls enter your realm peacefully and safely oh Lady Mortem." No one commented on my words and I am glad. Sometimes I forget how alike I am to my mother. She'd always talked of the gods. She was fascinated by them, always had been. Not just as a belief but as a way of life. She knew everything about them. Some even said she knew where the Lost Temples of Mortem and Vita were, but I guess we'll never know.

"Lune stop spacing out" Greta called from above me

"Oh sorry" I muttered staring at the bird.

"How are we going to get inside?" Elryria asked, looking at the giant icicles blocking the way.

"Well we could try and climb through the gaps but I don't think Trox would fit through" Mera said "Or we could break them and hope they don't land on us. Or we could climb over the wall"

"We can't climb over that it's at least 10 foot high" Elryria complained

"I could climb over and carry you guys over" Mera suggested

"No way am I letting you touch me" I said venomously

"Okay so destroying the ice it is" Elryria said cracking her knuckles

"I don't think that's a good idea" Trix said "We don't know who is inside and breaking that will make a lot of noise. You guys should go in, I'll wait out here"

"Are you sure?" Greta asked

"Perfectly and if someone comes I'll howl to let you know" she added

"Fine let's get going then" I said moving up to the gate. The icicles are huge but the gaps between should be enough for us

"Hey Elryria, maybe you should stay behind too" I called"Your butt might get stuck"

"Ha ha very funny" She grumbled pushing past me "Where'd you come up with that one? I've never heard it before" She rolled her eyes quickly climbed through. I go to follow when I saw Mera waiting behind

"Hey freak!" I yelled "Let's get going!" She jumped and looked at me wide eyed

"I'm climbing over instead" She said "It'll be easier for me"

"Fine" I said glaring at her "Stupid freaky fury ability"

"Actually it's just because I'm a good climber but yeah let's go with that" She muttered pulling two knifes out and jamming them into the ice on the wall. She quickly started up the wall and before I knew it she is at the top.

"Oi! Sweetheart!" I jumped and turned to the gate as Elryria's voice echoed around "We got places to be, you mind hurrying up?"

"You heard the magic user" Trix said already lying down "Hurry up"

"Stupid magic" I muttered "Stupid mutt and witch" I climbed into the gate and felt the ice touch my back. I shivered and kept moving my body feeling colder than ever

"Stupid snow" I growled "Stupid mountain. Stupid ice"

"We get it everything is stupid" Elryria groaned "So would you just shut up?" I grumbled but make no more words. Finally I pulled myself out of the ice prison and into the courtyard. Mera was waiting for us as usual. She wasn't smiling and her head was turned to the fortress. She looked up at it her shoulders and back tense

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