Chapter 4: The First Meeting

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The first year was the hardest. I had to learn how to read and write. How to run and move. How to survive of of blood. How to eat normal food without hurting myself. There was so much to learn about myself. Not to mention all of the world to learn of. I found out that we lived in a country named Pryhaven. In Pryhaven why had a system where there was an Overworld and an Underground. The Overworld was were the rich people lived. It was filled with the finest of buildings and people. You had to have a special pass just to get inside. The Overworld was also where the palace was. That was where Empress Ebony stayed when she visited our land. Pryhaven was a part of a giant empire and Ebony ruled over all of them.

The Underground on the other hand was were the poor lived. Houses braking down. Crime was high and money low. In the Underground the Rogue Court is supposed to govern with a Rogue King or Queen as the final commander. But something happened and the court is falling apart. General says it's because of the Rulers. They want to change the ruling system of the Underground and eventually of the Overworld. When they first said this many supported them even the Elites.

The Elites is the group that General is in. It consist of General who is a bounty hunter and a shifter and a respected part of Underground, Chief who is a pirate and a fae and a feared part of the Underground, Admiral who is a ex-navy man and quite human and known in all oceans for being a great sailor, and finally Captain who is a assassin and a mage. She is the most feared of them all and the most respected. She makes sure nothing bad happens to anyone under her.

The second year was also quite hard but that was because I started training. General is so strong and I wanted to help him with his hunting so I asked him to train me. It took sometime for me to be strong enough to even keep up with him. But everyone helped out about. Even Max which turned out to be 099 actually name. It took me a while to realize that the life I had wasn't a good one. That people don't get fixed they die. It makes sense now that I am older and smarter but back then it took me a long time to understand it. I also found out what being a 'fury' is. A fury is a genetically or lab made vampire. Except vampires die and come back to life. That's why they need blood because their bodies can't make it anymore. Furies on the other hand aren't dead. We're broken. Or at least that's how I see it. I am as strong as a vampire and as heal just as fast but my body can't handle that. Its not made to be like this. Being a fury is killing my cells and one day I'll die because of it. I found this out on my own, I know that General knows this but I don't think he wants me to know. He'd like to pretend that I am okay.

Having to drink blood to survive isn't nice either. Most of the time I just steal some blood from the blood banks but they need those for real patients. I try to hunt but I don't like it. I am already a monster without adding that to the mix. The vampires that work under General help me these days thankfully but I know I'll have to start hunting soon

Eating normal food isn't good for me either. I tried to just eat bread and butter but I can't keep it down. And when I do I feel terrible afterwards.

I can't hide that I am a fury. My eyes are bright red and no contacts can change that. My hair which at some point might have been brown, I don't really remember, is now snow white. Most just think I am vampire as furies are rare. General was worried that that would get me attention so we just say I am a vampire anyways.

I am very strong now despite how small I still am. Many think I am boy seeing as I am not very well developed. General thinks its because of me being turned when I was young but its probably just because I am small.

It took until year 3 for me to become an asset to General. He's only ever been kind to me and so I am paying him back. My main use is as a fighter. I am very good with heavy swords and General had me one specially made for my 'birth' day. Because I don't know when I was born or how old I am General decided that they day they found me would be a day to celebrate. After my 3rd birthday with them when they think I turned 16 General gave me one of his swords. Its the best gift he ever got me. I treasure it and it is the perfect weapon for me. He also gave me a black bow to put into my hair. He must've heard me complaining about people thinking I was a boy. I wear it everyday. I also have a short sword that I use as well.

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