The start of everything...

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it may have been at a young age but, I first realized I had feelings for Robert when we were about age 10.

it was when we shared our first kiss. it was during one of the days that Robert and I were homeschooling and both of our parents were talking about about how they were excited for mine and Robert's first everything's.

so, we shared our first kiss, with each other. I can't deny that i did feel something that night, but im not entirely sure about Robert which is why I haven't made any moves towards him.

Terri and my mum aubrey prayed that Robert and I  would end up together soon. They weren't really discreet about it, as Terri and Steve would always joke that we would be a cute couple. so did bindi who was Roberts's older sister.

When we were younger, we would always act like a couple as well. We would hold hands when we walked around together, lay our heads on each others shoulder, have jokes no one will ever understand, cuddle up with each other, give each other back rides when we were tired of walking, surprise each other with gifts randomly, sometimes sleep in the same bed, hell Robert will sometimes kiss me on the cheek.

However, I feel as though if I do make a move, it'll ruin the friendship we have. And there is no way I would ever want to lose Robert... so I'll have to get over him somehow.

Crocodile Hunter | Robert Irwin Where stories live. Discover now