Khaki Pjs?

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I throw the blanket off mine and Roberts legs. As I do that I look down and yawn. Turning around to roberts side, i burst out with laughter with the sight I see before me and I slowly watch the confusion on Roberts face spread.

"what" he asked in a questionable tone whilst taking getting up from the bed

"Do you always wear khakis to bed?" I finally managed to get out, trying to catch my breath and stop laughing, it didn't work, obviously.

"stop laughing, I was changing my pants to get ready for the day, before you came in" he defended himself.

" what were you changing? your khaki pj's to khaki day wear" I laughed once more before springing out of bed.

"ok you little rat-" Robert jokingly began but was cut off by his mother.

"KIDS" terri yelled, Robert and I both looking at each other scared, the both bolted out of the room and legged it down the stairs.

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