Jealousy jealousy...

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I will admit, I was stalking olive. I was driving the golf cart to the tiger enclosure to get her but I stopped and hid when I saw Olive talking to a guy about our age.

i didn't know why but i felt jealous. He was an insanely looking guy compared to me, and he was too close to my olive for my liking.

I told myself to stop and let her be until after they are done talking, because obviously olive can like and take to who she wants out. What kind of bestfriend would I be If I prevented her from being happy?

I was still hiding off in the corner, I had this weird feeling in my stomach, and it got bigger and bigger everytime they interacted.

So, I interrupted their moment.

I swiftly grabbed my walkie-talkie and spoke into it, I decided to call her darling because let me tell you right now, she was looking too good today.

I don't know why I feel so protective over olive when she speaks to other guys, I also think I get jealous.

On top of that, I have liked her since we were kids... like guys cmon! Have you seen her?? That's my bestfriend!!!

after olive responded to me, I waited again to see if anything would happen before I go and grab the golf cart.

I saw this young lad look directly at me before looking down at olive and putting his hand softly on olives face and rubbing something off her cheek?

I had lunch with her earlier, she didn't have anything on her cheek...

When I tell you this made me go crazy. I mean it made me GO CRAZY.

I have always felt like I was the only one that can do that no one else but me. no other man, but me.

I had enough so i finally made his hidden presents known, I hopped into the gold cart and drove around before stopping in the car park, I honked.

I watched as olive turned and grinned massively at me, she hoped on a rock and tried to jump of the fence but the boy grabbed her hips and carried her over. I wanted to punch that smug look of his face and feed him to graham our crocodile.

Watching them say their last words to each other. Olive came over to me, pushing me away from the wheel and gas pedal, then speeding off which led me to bang my head against the dashboard.


the cart starting, going forward fast. I decided to wait until the cart smoothly rolled to ask questions about the mysteriously, ugly, nice looking, guy.

"so, who was that" I asked, obviously pretending like I didn't care.

"that was jake, his little brother started to ask me questions, then his brother and his friends left to see the snakes" she explained

"what were you guys talking about" i smoothly asked, yeah olive i totally wasn't watching your whole interaction.

"oh he wanted to know how, to get a job here" she said smoothly as she turned into the hospital.

I for sure wasn't going to let that happen, i didn't know why, but i never wanted to see Jake near olive again, he gave me bad vibes.

today i felt my love for olive was different. I started thinking.

When we were younger up to where we are now, Olive and I have had different moments, to the point whether i even started questioning my own feelings towards olive. Obviously I pushed them down and locked them in a cage because We could never be a thing.

That was up until recently, they keep threatening to come out of the cage...

Whatever these feelings and emotions I'm having or feeling for olive, I obviously am going to have to speak with my bestfriend about.

Not olive... bindi, my sister.

Yes olive is still my bestfriend but bindi is like my best best best bestfriend.

After olive and I were done at the hospital, I dropped her off at the tiger enclosure before heading back to the house and getting things sorted for bed.

By the time I'm done, everyone else is asleep and it's roughly around 11pm at night, bindi doesn't go to bed until 11:30pm so I thought it would be a good time to ask.

On another note, I couldn't sleep due to my confusion and my jealousy, and on top of that... it is olives birthday tomorrow...

Getting up from my bed, I tip toe towards bindi's room and softly knock on the door, before hearing a little 'come in'.

I walk in and I shut the door quickly behind me and walk over to bindi's bed.

"Robert, if you are only here to steal Stella and piggy, you can't take Stella since it is my night with her, you can take piggy instead" bindi blurted out.

"No bindi, it's not that, I seriously need to talk with you" I plead, fiddling with the hem of my t shirt, trying to distract myself.

I started off by telling her how i felt different recently towards olive and everything that happened in the events today. I felt relieved to be able to speak to about this.

"That right there Robert, is your special kind of love for her, You need to accept these feelings and do something about them before she finds someone and moves on from you... and it sounds like that's happening soon. Also This girl has liked you since you guys were kids so I'm pretty sure you have nothing to worry about in that area" bindi advised me.

"Don't tell her I told you that last part, she will kill me until I'm sent to hell like satan" she chucked.

I smiled and laughed in relief. This means I get a chance with her, instead of being heartbroken guy.

"Okay well thank you! I need to go to bed. Goodnight Bindi!"  I gave bindi a quick hug and I headed out of her room to my room for the night.

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