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It didn't matter if it was april fools day. this.
Meant. War.

I originally had nothing planned for my revenge on Robert, all I knew was that I was at war with him and he was going down.

First, I planned to ignore him but that seemed too cruel. Then, I planned on putting a bad wig on and telling him I dyed and cut my hair to see his reaction, but then I realized it would back fire because Robert supported any of my choices and didn't judge me, so I also couldn't do the 'making him jealous ' prank with my outfits, and I couldn't find anything else to make him jealous with.

I couldn't do a Hickey prank because... Well that's obvious, I Am always with Robert, at the zoo.

I never leave... Literally. But In the end, I came to the conclusion to choose between hickey or pregnancy prank.

As a result, I gave up and chose the classic, most basic prank. I'm pregnant prank.

But first, I decided to avoid his kisses and limit his hugs, basically distancing herself and acting weird.

Maybe that will teach him a lesson...?

So now here I was at home, on a day off because I 'felt sick' this morning. Which was also a good reason why the very unrealistic prank for the 16 year old would look semi realistic.

i sat on the couch with Shark just watching criminal minds, practically waiting for Robert to get home so I can start the prank.

I waited, and waited, thinking about how I am going to act My every step.

Finally, when he walked through the doors of mine and his family home, while the others were still tending to the zoo, my plan went into motion.

I also might have asked the camera crew to come in and place a hidden camera in the living room and her room.

"Hello love" he said with a big sigh, walking towards me, he leaned down to me.

I pretended I didn't see his kiss and moved my head to the side going for a small hug.

"Hey, how was it today" I asked normally and tried to act normal, BUT IT WAS HARRRRRD

Robert, of course brushed off the kiss incident and dropped his body down beside me on the

"It was awesome" he said, "I got a call that a snake was in one of our exhibits so I went to go get it, you should have seen it, she was so beautiful..." he went on to explain.

"Really?? Did you get a picture" i asked. when he nodded his head, my plan slightly went out the other ear, and I scooted closer to see.

"Oh wow Baby, thats so beautiful" a big smile grew on my face and i looked at him.

"how are you feeling, darling" he then asked, tucking a piece of hair behind my hair, the plan re-entered my head.

He was going to reach in and kiss my forehead but I quickly turned my head to the side and scratched the back of my neck

"Mhmm, I feel better, I started feeling better towards the middle of the day. It was like I was only sick in the morning" I said, beginning to feel bad about the prank, wanting to call it off when I saw the pout on his face.

"Thats very odd, maybe you got the 24 hour stomach bug" he said, "what did you eat yesterday?"

Robert was beginning to notice my strange actions, having a pouty party to himself.

" I ate everything you ate yesterday"I said, which made him laugh.

"Thats true, well, at least your fine now lets not worry about it. Do you want me to make you soup?" He asked

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