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the zoo approximately opened 5 hours ago so it was around 2 now and it was packed. All I was thinking about was how long to go until I can go home and carry on watching Greys anatomy. The things i would let Derek shepherd do to me.

people were passing by the tiger enclosure,
Which is where I would help out if I'm not needed to help with the crocodile shows or just with the enclosure.

I usually only takes care of the tigers because my mother and mostly Robert doesn't want me to deal with some of the snake, crocodiles, and alligators.

he was truly afraid i might get bit by a poisons snake, or any of the other reptiles, if anything happened to her he would probably blame himself.

But that doesn't make sense since I'm literally being put to work with tigers who could rip my head off any minute but luckily I've raised most of them since they were cubs so we have a pretty good bond.

every week. In the time that I'm not doing croc shows or working with them. I would take the tigers out for a walk or just speak to visitors outside the enclosure.

I was out side in the sun/shade for the majority of the day, So at 4 I decided it would be a good opportunity to take the tigers for a walk.

getting the supply's out, I kneeled down to grab a leash and some meat, i then went to go look for my favourite tiger.

His name is hunter and he was born with full sight but at 7 months old he had to have a surgery and his left eye was replaced with a prosthetic. He was born with a condition called catarax. 11 months after his left eye got replaced, he unfortunately had his other eye being taken out and being replaced also. He's very Special to me.

As I'm walking hunter, many of the people walking around the zoo were laughing because he kept stretching every 5 seconds which meant the walk was taking longer then expected.

As hunter and I are walking back towards the enclosure of the tigers, I hear footsteps running behind me.

"excuse me, miss" someone called, I turn my head , seeing a group of kids and a teen boy about mine and Roberts age and a young boy next to him waving, which I'm guessing is his younger sibling, with a big smile on his face.

not wanting to break the little boys heart, I walked over over to the group of kids

"good day, im olive! what's your name?" I greeted, my accent strong on my first couple of words.

"hi, im Tobi, these are my friends, and this is my brother Jake" Tobi the little boy greeted a smile only growing bigger by the second.

"just you watching the little ones" I asked Jake
Whilst handing Hunter to another zookeeper to take him back to his enclosure.

"yeah, I some how got stuck chaperoning, but all is well in getting payed 10 dollars and hour" Jake's accent filled the my ear, i had never heard any ones voice like his.

"How long has it been since you started chaperoning?" I asked.

"Since the zoo opened this morning, this little guy was eager to see the animals and who could say no to this face?" He says whilst ruffling Tobi's hair.

"oh 7 hours, you got 70 dollars coming your way now" I chucked.

"well he will want to stay longer so, im up for it" a big grin placed across his face as he pointed to his brother.

"ahhh, well your brother is the best, you know" I spoke, soft in my accent, looing down at

"I know, can I ask you a question" Tobi asked

"fire away" I crouch down to his level with a big grin on my face.

"what was that tigers name?" he asked

"that is hunter, he is my favorite, me and him are bestfriends, don't tell Robert, he might get jealous" I chuckle, I stood back up and looked at Jake.

"your family lives here with the Irwin's, don't they? So you guys are basically Irwin's" Jake spoke so stunned, before he can speak again his brother tugged on his shirt, begging to go see the snakes.

"go on a head, ill be their in a little" he said the kids nodding their head, running off into the snake enclosure. he turned back round to me and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"hey, how do I get a job here?" Jake asked

"well first you have to, volunteer and soon you will get noticed for your great work and they will offer a job to you" I Told him.

"tha-" he started off but got cut off with the sound of my walkie talkie.

"Darling, your needed at the wild life hospital, your mom needs your assistance, I will come with a golf cart" Robert spoke into the walkie-talkie. I placed on my hand on my hip, rolling my eyes at the nickname he started with.

"alright Robert , but im driving to the hospital" I spoke into the walkie-talkie

"Deal but don't blame me if we end up dead." He joked.

"Honestly, he's a goofball. So I sadly have to rush off but hopefully you think of applying for a job, it'll be great to have a new face to see around here!" I cheerfully spoke to Jake.

" its alright, but before you leave, you have a mark on your cheek, may i?" he asked

"Oh silly me, it must've been some left over food from lunch, go ahead, thank you for saving me from embarrassment." nodding my head for him to proceed.

In the corner of my eye, I saw Robert put the golf cart in drive and honked, coming into view for me, I turned and i smiled big when i saw Robert.

I jumped on a rock, and with Jakes help, went over the little fence between the parking area and the main pathway.

"before you go, can I get your number" Jake blurted out.

"Oh, I dont give my number out that easily" i said. I obviously had no intention to give him my number, nor did I find him attractive.  I had my eyes set on someone else, and i for sure, wasn't going to let him slip away

"well, I guess I will work for it, see you soon" he said to me before turning around and heading into the snake enclosure to find his little brother.

with one wave,  I turned around and ran to Robert were he was placed on the drivers side of the golf cart.

"move, idiot" I said pushing him over giving his side of the bug. Ready to go, I do admit that I pressed on the gas a little to hard which meant that Roberts head smacked into the dashboard.


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