When we were young

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As I'm standing in the kitchen making breakfast for the others and I, I look at the clock and question as to why Robert and olive are? They are normally up by this time.

"Bindi, where's Your brother and olive? Are they still in bed?'" I asked bindi because she normally knows where they are.

"I have no idea mum" bindi spoke taking a bite into her breakfast.

"its almost past 7 their jobs start at 8... the zoo then opens at 9." I said

"ha! they both take long to get ready" Aubrey laughed

"and they have to eat breakfast before they leave" Bindi said

"Bindi darling, can you take over the cooking whilst I go awaken the monster and his gremlin from their slumber please?" I ask as I take off my apron.

"Yes mum, have fun" Bindi snickered and I groan walking towards and up the stairs.

knocking on the door of olives room. there was no response. So I popped my head in the room to see nothing...

I think to myself and think why isn't olive in her room? Then I put two and two together and walk over to roberts room.

I pop my head round the corner and see the both of them tangled with each other sleeping. I quickly grab my phone and take a picture and send it to Aubrey. I sigh as I remember sneaking over to Steve's when we were younger and feeling safe with him in his arms.

However I quickly get rid of that nostalgic thought and look at the time '7:15' my watch read.

"guys, get up an get dressed, you have to eat breakfast, and then go to work" I yelled shaking the two, groans were heard, but no one moved a muscle.

"guys, get moving now, dont make me get big red" Successfully frightening the olive, who was sleeping beside my son.

I laughed as she shot up quicker then light itself.
"im up, im up" olive repeats rubbing her face.

"mm, yes mum, cuddling with a tarantula, what a way to start my morning" Robert sarcastically says.

"up now, breakfast is ready" I said and walked out while also grabbing the blanket off olives and Roberts legs and taking it down the stairs with me.

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