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Terri and my mum, Aubrey, both owned the zoo. so they were there twenty-four- seven. The two woman and all of us lived in a house together right in the center of the zoo. So we did twenty-four hour challenges at the zoo every night.

It was about 9 at night and Robert was complaining. "not that I'm complaining or anything-" Robert begins.

"if it starts of with those exact words, you are complaining" . i say, not lifting head from his chest. We were laying on the living room couch together. watching our own show 'crikey! its the Irwin's'.

All though My mum and I's last names were not Irwin, Steve had always told My mum and I that even 'if they didn't have Irwin as their last name, they will never be less of a Irwin' Steve made that clear.

"Liv, let me finish" Robert spoke with fake annoyance in his accent. Robert always had the nickname 'liv' for me since we were little as he could never pronounce the 'o' and I guess it stuck?

"forgive me, royal Robert, please, continue". I said dramatically, putting a hand to my heart and speaking in a fake British accent.

"you are forgiven". Robert responds to me with a little breathy chuckle at the end of his sentence which I always found quite cute when he did that.

"as I was SAYING. I dont mean to complain but I would love to sleep in. this house is full of weird people, its just our luck they all have their alarm clocks set to 5am. like, what do you need to do at 5? work starts at 8, the zoo opens at 9, sleep for once " Robert complains to me.

"preach" I sighed, not really getting what he was saying as he's always the first one up out of the people who live in the house.

"really? I rant to you, and I get one word out of you" He says in a dramatic tone.

"there is only one word to say, that I agree with you" I chucked, knowing I do not agree with him in any shape or form.

Unbeknownst to me, Terri was hiding behind the walls on at the stair way and snapped a picture of the two of us smiling and laughing before she interrupted us.

"Robert, honey its your turn to wash the dishes, I want them done before 10, be asleep before 12, too" she said staring at the two of us.

" answer to first one, no ma'am as olive has not done it in two weeks and yes ma'am to the 2nd one" Robert saluting his mom with a goofy smile.

she nodded her head and left the two, his smile dropped and he turned to me. Me, knowing him well, shook my head no before he got a word out.

"please, liv" Robert spoke moving to sit up on the couch, making my head fall from his chest to his lap.

"Not after you just completely lied to your mum about the dishes, I did them last week and the week before. It's your turn for gods sak-"

"ok I get it but please liv, I promise I will do 4 of your dish nights" he begged me

"Robert their literally might be only 6 plates, a couple of utensils, and like a cup, we are lucky everyone in this family wash's their own dish most of the time"  I protested and crossed my arms.

"fine" he huffed.

We sat in silence for a while when suddenly Robert suddenly spoke. 'I'll do a month worth of your dishes' he proposed.

'DEAL' As I intertwined my pinky with his and made a pinky promise. We did this ever since we were little.

Speaking of which, it's roberts and I's birthday soon, ironic right? Two bestfriends share the same birthday?

However, I have no idea what to get him, we are 15 going on 16. What do you get a boy who has everything?

We got up after our little deal and I started washing the dishes whilst Robert sat on the kitchen table and blasted out a bit of bon jovi.

After about a million dishes later, I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed when I saw a red furry thing in the sink.

When I tell you I let out the biggest scream ever, I'm pretty sure someone from England could've heard it.

Robert comes rushing in, just in his pajamas in a panicked state. Then came along bindi.

'Liv?!?! Are you okay? What is it?' Bindi suddenly bombarded me with questions.

Being too scared to speak I pointed towards the sink and Robert walked towards it with caution. He then let out the loudest laugh ever.

'You are such a scaredy cat liv, it's just big red' he says pulling out big red out of the sink which was a red tarantula that Robert has as a pet which probably escaped out of her cage.

"I told you to keep her in her cage" i seethed with anger.

Sure I loved animals, but when it came to spiders it was a WHOLLLLLEE different story. Sure I feed crocs and do daily croc shows but tarantulas ... no way.

"she wanted to stretch her legs, I let her out and I some what lost big red until now" Robert tried to explain but I wasn't having any of it.

"well, She almost got an unexpected bath, I could of drowned her' I spoke, still kind of shook.

"Robert, please put big red away" Bindi said, she left the bathroom leaving Robert and i by ourselves.

Suddenly, Robert grabbed me and started hugging me, kissing me all over my face, cooing me as if i was a baby.

he was just teasing me for being scared of a tarantula. I loved it when he hugs me, but he was only teasing me, I really wished he liked me back, I sometimes go delusional and think he does.

I pushed him away and finished what I needed to do in the bathroom. turning off the lights and walking to my room. I grabbed shark my pitball, and took him up the stairs. I popped into everyone's room to say goodnight before I got into bed and cuddled with shark all night.

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