On the verge of tears

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Today I was, of course taking care of the tortoises; which I now like to call them my own babies.

I was also chatting with 'fans" and visitors of the park, every now and then, I guess you could say I was being a social butterfly.

I was smiling all day and laughed a lot, However, the camera crew for the show was with me all day for some reason and i didn't now why, but i just brushed it off.

As I was cleaning one of the tortoises, someone spoke through the radio which made all the hairs on my body stand up and made me freeze with no movements.

Roberts voice over the walky talky spoke very worriedly. "liv, baby, I need help" he said frantically.

freaked out by the sudden tone, I went far away from the crowd of people and pushed the button to my walky-talky, "Robert?! whats happening?" I asked, quickly getting my keys and running for one of the zoo's golf carts.

"one of the croc's escaped and I need your help" he replied with fear and anxiety.

"I am on my way in the cart, stay where you are, I'm coming." I said determined.

However, as I'm driving to Roberts location, I couldn't help but think this is weird.

If a crocodile was out Robert would of have sent me to the house or they would of had the whole zoo evacuated.

However, I decided to push that thought to the back of my head as Maybe it was far away from the crowded parts of the zoo and they didn't want people to worry, but why did he need my help? Especially with a crocodile involved.

I pulled up and ran over to robert, I hear another car pull up and see the camera crew, höher they aren't my focus right now.

"Is it close to any animal exhibits?" i asked, thinking about the safety of the animals.

"no, it's far from every thing, but it won't be long until it moves" Robert replied

When we got to the swamped filled area, Robert had a rope in his hand as we walked down the path.

Robert turned to the camera crew and was talking to the camera while I just looked around.

I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I did not like it one bit.

yes, they had trained me for every occasion that might happen. but if it came to a crocodile, I could never use her training, because, one: a crocodile escaping is rare for the zoo, and two; If it did Robert would get worried and always have wes or someone escort me home to make sure I was safe.

Robert was explaining how it would be bad  if the crocodile stayed in the swamp area. I wasn't listening and was focusing on seeing where the croc is.

"It looks like it's in there, I've got rope but I don't think it's going to do a good job in getting it, there is to much weeds everywhere.." he stops and pauses which causes my heart to beat faster.

"looks like I have to go in" he blurts out and tosses the rope to one side.

" what?- Robert no" I protested as I roughly grabbed his wrist to prevent him from going any further into the croc infested waters.

"I have to, he might claim this area as his territory and its not safe love" he explains but I was not having it.

"call wes or something??? you can't go in there. love please" I pleaded him as I feel my eyes already becoming watery, as I tightened my grip on his wrist.

"We are already here, wes will take too long.
There's no need to worry darling, I'll be fine." Robert explained as he kissed my hand and was about to walk into the water.

However, I had a different plan which was crazy but, love does that to you right? Don't blame me, love made me crazy.

"if you go In... I am too" I confidently said walking forward towards the water.

Robert quickly stood in front of me, blocking my way from going in.

"no, no, no, baby, Just stay here please, I will be safe" he tried to convince me. Which ended us having a staring contest, more like a glaring contest.

When he had finally convinced me to stay away from the water, which I have no idea how he managed to do that. he walked in slowly.

" This is the dangerous part because I have no way of seeing the bottom" he told the camera as he walks forward slowly, I was biting my nails. My eyes refusing to look anywhere but him.

Just then robert was pulled inside of the water, I gasped in shock and sprinted into the water before one of our men held me back.

"ROBERT?!?" i yelled, no one was moving and I was furious out of fear.

"Hey! Let me go. someone needs to help him" I yelled and pleaded, trying to push forward as I was Watching as Robert tussled in the water before it went still and my heart dropped.

"Let. Me. Go. Why aren't you letting me help him" I screamed, no one was moving a muscle. Finally the man let me go and I collapsed to the floor and started bawling my eyes out.

Until, Roberts head came out, and he aggressively breathed in and out.

"I got him, I got him " Robert says trying his best to crawl out the water, I quickly sprinted to him and hugged him not caring that he's soaking wet.

Robert out of breath, stood up holding a croc. A SHOE. One big right-sided croc

i pushed him away and looked at Robert with a scary, murderous look, one he has never seen before.

" I've got the croc, baby, he is only a foot long" Robert said laughing at the end of his pun, he then threw the croc to the side.

"april fools, seems like someone forgot the date today" he chuckled as he pulled me in for another hug and almost suffocated me.

however, I was not laughing.

I took off my old, ripped-up mountain boot and threw it at Robert with so much rage and fury.

The heavy boot hit is shoulder, despite being extremely furious at him, I couldn't help but kiss his soft lips.

"That was not funny Robert, you acted like a CHILD. I mean good Pun to be there, I'll have to give you credit. But you are an idiot" I burst out on him.

"Do you want your shoe my love" he holds up chuckling and looking at my form as I gobble to the car with one shoe on and the other off.

"no" I hope in the car and put the keys in.

I turn to Robert with a blank look on my face. "Get in before I leave you. By the way you are sitting in the back, and you are not allowed in my room tonight." I mumble as I drive off.

Crocodile Hunter | Robert Irwin Where stories live. Discover now