Not a morning person.

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There it is, all our alarms going off. There is a certain pattern to the alarms. first its Terri's, her ringtone was just an regular alarm, Her's was at 4:30... don't even ask me why. The Second Alarm was my mums, at 5:01. Just another ear bleeding scream, from another phone.

At 5:02 bindi's alarm goes off, you might think the sweet bindi would start her day off with a soft ringtone/song. Well you are WRONG my friend, bindi Irwin starts her day off with her dads favorite heavy metal song, 'shook me all night long' by the absolute rock n roll legends ACDC

now that leaves Robert and I, but here is the thing. We both hate mornings, with a passion. We both love our sleep. therefore when we hear the alarms, I scream, Robert lets out a loud annoyed groan and all I can hear are the others laughing at our pain.

I tried and tried to got back to sleep, but the little pit-ball that was once cuddling with the me had other plans. Shark scratched at the door, annoying Me until I let her out.

annoyed once more, I smashed my head on my pillow and screamed, rolling out of bed, i hit the floor with a loud thud, and crawled to the door letting the pit-ball free.

looking across from my door way, there was an other door, which was Roberts, getting an idea, I leaped off the floor

I creeped to Roberts door and I peeped through the crack and Robert pulled up his new pair of khaki pants, and was reaching to his shirt.

I didn't mean to stare, i zoned out. I was very quickly zoned out when I accidentally knocked forward as Stella (roberts pug) bumped into me causing me to fall at the door.

This gave me the opportunity to run and push Robert, and to fall on top of him. He pulled the covers that was at the end of the bed, over Mine and his body, as we both got comfortable, we both drifted off to sleep.

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