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"G'day" Robert said to the go-pro in his hand,
"Today we have a very frightened Liv" He zoomed the camera into my face as I held his right arm tight.

"Shut up" I said about to let go, until the plane trembled once more as we hit more turbulence. My arms wrapped around him again, holding him tighter than before.

Robert moved the camera to his face as he laughed,

"you rat" i muttered, trying to insult him but he was used to it by now.

"If you didn't know, liv is very terrified of planes" he said with a smile,

Once the plane smoothed out, i began to loosen up. Robert had turned the camera to me, silently asking if i was alright and if i wanted to speak.

"Today" i said with a slight Australian accent,
"we are going to Africa."

"Africa is our favorite place because it was one of our dad's favorite places to go, actually it where our dads met each other" i said

"Thats true, huh?" he asked with a goofy smile.

"Mhmm" i hummed.

"The whole family is with us" Robert said lifting the small camera up to show, bindi, chandler, and both our moms. "... And we're so excited"

"Love, what animal are you most excited to see"
Robert asked

"An elephant," i said, my eyes sparkled at the thought of seeing one in person.

Robert smiled and turned the camera off. He put the camera safely away before leaning back in the chair, i had immediately laid my head on his shoulder.

He smiled to himself before reaching his arm up and running his fingers through my hair.

"Get some sleep, darling." He kissed my temple,
"we will be there faster than you know it"

It was the next day, and boy was it going to be eventful.

"Today I have recruited bindis boyfriend, chandler and my girlfriend, Liv." Robert said into the camera

"On this trip to Africa I have a set goal to capture the Big 5: Leopard, lion, elephant, rhino, and Buffalo, on photography." He said explaining
Chandler nodded his head listening carefully,

"I guess today is a little too early for Liv,"
Robert laughed as he covered my head with his jacket to block the sunshine and dusty from getting on my face, and so the camera people wouldn't video me while i was sleeping.

"Elephants are one of the wisest and intuitive creatures I've ever been around, they are also luv's favorite animal which makes them a perfect photography subject" Robert explained to the camera, Chandler was looking around the area, memorizing the beauty and keeping an eye out.

Robbie (the guy who was our chauffeur) had started driving more carefully on the bumpy dirt roads, listening and talked into him radio.

There was a sound of an elephant making everyone shoot up

"Elephant, elephants, over there" Chandler pointed to the left

Robbie turned slightly and started driving slower, careful not to disturb or agitate the wild animal.

"Babe, what up" Robert shook me, to which i groaned

"look the elephants are right here"

In a instant my eyes shot open, i took the jacket off my face and draped it on my knees

"where?" I asked, patting my hair down just in case it was a curly mess.

"Over here"

I turned my head, my eyes started to water.
It was an elephant with her baby and they were eating, i looked around the area more to see a whole herd of them.

The car stopped its motions and i turned to the road In front of me, another elephant and her baby was on the path.

"How beautiful" i whispers to myself, without knowing the camera was on me

"Elephants live in such big groups, they all love and support each other, yet they all have different personality's... making them unique" i said with a smile, changing my seated position so that her feet were dangling from the car

Robert's camera was clicking every few seconds, capturing the animals every movement.

"Look babe, to your left the baby is approaching," i said tugging on the back of Robert's shirt.

"Baby elephants are full of Love and affection, to them humans are like puppies. The way we see a puppy and get this burst of emotion to want to love and cuddle it... thats how baby elephants see us" i explained

As Robert took pictures he laughed at one of the babies, " I love their mentality sometimes, they can be just a little silly" watching as one of the babies ran around shaking its head and trunk.

The same one ran up to the truck, going up to me and wrapping his trunk around my foot, the sound of Roberts camera clicking was heard.

I laughed as the baby elephant jumped back trying to play with my feet, he then left to mess with the guy settled at the front of the truck.

"Liv, be careful" Robert called out, getting my attention.

In front of me was yet another elephant, this time it was full grown and looked to be a nursing mother.

She looked at me suspiciously before reached her trunk forward towards me who smiled in amazement at the creature.

I worked with many types of wild animals, yes. But i have never seen or worked with a wild elephant and to be experiencing this right now was such and amazing moment. I had so many emotions to feel right now.

I extended my hand out slowly to the elephants trunk, hearing as Roberts camera clicked away. The elephant took a step forward, letting its trunk make contact with my hand. I kept my hand still not to startle her.

I smiled as i watched the elephant step back, its new focus was eating the leaves off a branch.

"We are going to start moving now" chandler whispered as the car started to get into motion.

Robert wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me so that i doesn't fall off of the moving vehicle. I put my hand on top of his, smiling wide.

Robert leaned down and kissed my neck before carrying me gently off the edge and safely on the vehicle.

"That was by far the best experience I've ever had" Robert smiled and put a thumbs up to the go-pro i was just at.

"That was the best first experience ever" i smiled, sitting on Roberts knee i leaned onto him and kissed his cheek.

Crocodile Hunter | Robert Irwin Where stories live. Discover now