Eventful events

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it was Roberts and I's birthday, and I had gotten Robert a gift using my own money i get from working at the zoo.

At around 8am, Terri, my mum and bindi came charging into roberts room where they found me and him cuddled in his bed and started blaring 'happy birthday' at the highest volume.

"thank you, thank you, happy birthday, birthday twin, but may I go back to sleep? im not exactly a morning person" I yawned trying not to sound rude.

"yes you may, but be up by 9" terri and my mum told robert and I, the two newly 16 year olds.

"same for you Robert" terri said, knowing the boy loved his sleep.

"oh, I cant sleep, I won't be able to" Robert denied

"I know the cure" I said, Robert knowing what was next smiled big, he threw himself back into my arms in which I screamed "cuddles"

And then we fell asleep. Afterwards, however when we eventually woke up from our slumber in the early hours of the morning, it was always a tradition that We do roberts presents in the morning and then mine later.

As Robert and I got out of bed, we reached the top of the stairs and before he could take one step forward, I swiftly wrapped my hands around his eyes to cover them.

"Wha- olive, I can't see!" Robert exclaimed as he tried so hard to rip my hands away from his eyes. Obviously didn't work.

"Nah ah ahhhh, trust me, you are in safe hands, senör" I hushed him quickly with a grin on my face as we slowly started walking down the stairs.

He returned with a groan and I just giggled to myself as he has no clue what's going to come.

Once we got down the stairs I led him towards the dining room and uncovered his eyes.

"SUPRIIIIIISE" Everyone shouted

I watched as his face went from confusion to utter happiness, he walked around the room and gave his mum and sister a kiss on the cheek and gave my mum one, and then he walked over to me.

My heart suddenly went 100mp and I honestly thought I was going to shut myself.

Yes I got a kiss on the cheek from Robert Sebastian Irwin. AKA my bestfriend who I've known since forever.

My stomach did twirls like a crocodile death roll.

After we did the presents and all that jazz, we all went to get ready for the day, I went to quickly get changed into my khaki work uniform and Robert left to go do an interview for the Reality TV show we have.

Im all done getting change and half an hour goes by and I finally convince myself to walk down to get breakfast and make it, as im halfway through eating breakfast, my phone starts ringing and I answer.

"Hello Rat, what can I help you with?" I giggle knowing He hates when I call him rat.

"Hello love, We are all done with my interview, are you ready for yours?" Robert questioned the line.

"I'll be down in a sec, let me finish eating" I manage to blurt out and I quickly hang up the phone.

What. The. Fuck.

he just called me love. But then again I could be overthinking it and he could just be practicing on me for another girl? But then again he doesn't have any other friends apart from me and the animals so...

This boy is going to be THE DEATH OF ME.

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