Stealing the show

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"Crickey! How's it going everyone?" I yelled into my mic, walking around the lawn of the crocoseum.

"What a surprise right??" I laughed, "robert never lets me do a croc feeding show" I said circling around to look at everyone is the audience.

"But Robert isn't here today" I laughed evilly,
"he is out on a rescue mission, and everyone else in the fam got busy. Leaving, Chandler, Wes and I'.

"Im taking this as a opportunity to get back at Robert... He's been misbehaving a little, hasn't he guys?" I asked, turning my head to Chandler and wes.

"Oh yes, very much" wes agreed and Chandler nodded.

"For those of you wondering... Roberts pranks have been none stop lately" Chandler added, making the crowd laugh.

"So I took this as an opportunity to get back at him" I laughed, " what do you reckon? Should we continue" I shouted, the crowd cheered.

"I'll take that as a sign to continue... Now boys what croc are we dealing with today?" I said as I turned round to face the boys.

"Well Liv, I heard we are dealing with graham" Wes said.

"Ohh graham is a scary one" Chandler said, walking to his spot with the back up team and kneeling with them.

"Oh he hates you, Wes" I said, smiling as I heard the audience laugh.

"That he does" wes laughed.

"As we wait for the keepers to prepare Graham, we will give you a little back story" Chandler started off. "Graham is a little feisty one, he has a keen eyes for certain people. Aka Wes" the crowd laughed at this.

"Now graham is a very powerful and fast croc.
He is very smart And man is he strong. He's attacked wes. and sent him to the hospital. attacked my dad, and man has he gone after steve numerous of times. Despite his hatred for my father, Steve and wes, they loved him unconditionally. He by far have a very strong personality that no one can replace" I stated feeling the tears in my eyes as I mentioned my father.

Wes came up beside me handing me a leg meat from an animal, I got into place as Wes stepped behind me mentoring me incase of an emergency.

"And for those who don't know, graham is very protective. He had a little girlfriend named bindi, not our human bindi but our croc bindi.
She was Steve's most favorite croc, he named bindi after his favorite crocodile" I finished saying, looking toward the entrance of the pool.

"Ladies and gentlemen will you please direct your attention to the entrance, where graham will finally make his appearance " Chandler said

"After hearing about his back story, you sure can imagine how much graham has me on my toes" I laughed nervously.

The gate by the entrance slowly opened, and the anticipation grew. Once it was fully opened I saw the form of the animal, I was taken back by the size of him.

"What the" I paused into the mic, listening to the crowd that erupted into a fit of laughter, "oh no" I muttered.

The small animal swam through the water with ease, and a familiar yet sinister laugh played through the speakers.

I thought he was on a mission?

"Enjoy your dangerous croc, his name is blue" I heard a voice say loud and clear through the speaker. I sighed in defeat as My lovely menace of a boyfriend walked out the entrance with his charming smile.

He ran towards me just as blue stepped his tiny foot onto land, "have a go at this big guy, more dangerous than ever" Robert laughed.

I stood in shock as Robert turned to take care of blue. He threw little peace of meat so blue can eat, like they would with any other croc.

Once he ate all the meet Robert bent down to pick him up. "As you can see blue is too small to be a croc, he is our lovely baby alligator" the crowd laughed as Robert smiled, handing the small baby alligator to one of our staff members.

"Well well well what a way to crash my feed" I said to Robert, he turned to me.

"I wasn't going to let you feed graham, let alone without me" he smiled cheekily.

"No fair" I sighed, "now that Robert and blue's show highjacking stunt is over, we can continue with the big beast graham"

"Actually, my highjacking isn't over" robert said, "I managed to switch up our crocs, instead of us two feeding graham we will be feed Bluey"

My eyes nearly bulged out my sockets. He just highjacked my entire show... how? And who told him?!?

i looked back at Wes and chandler with a confused look, which they both returned with a shrug.

Who in the lovely hell told him about my show, wasn't he on a rescue mission with Renee?!?

From the entrance of the croc museum I noticed Luke, a very close family friend. He made eye contact with me, he made an awkward smile before quickly breaking eye contact and walking away.

i found the culprit.

"Now what we are going to demonstrate is what a croc does in the wild" I shook My head feeling defeated once more, shaking it away I continued working alongside Robert for the show.

Once we said our goodbyes to the crowd and ran backstage, I tackled Robert. Jumping on his back and punched his arm, pushing my fist in his arm as deep as I could.

"Ow ow ow" he chanted whacking my fist away.

"I thought you were on a rescue mission" I huffed

"I had a new mission" he paused, turning his head to look at my face. "which was to rescue you from that little stunt" I cringed at his cheesiness.

"So that's why you highjack my show?!? This was my revenge plan dude" I jumped off his back and crossed My arms.

"And graham was your best option? Every croc is dangerous, but graham is the most dangerous. You can't put yourself in danger just to get revenge on me." He sighed, patting my head and flattened my hair down, i leaned into his touch. Nodding my head, understanding what he was saying.

"Plus my pranks are number one" robert laughed, stepping back and bringing his arms up to show off his muscles.

i scoffed and whacked his arm with all my force before walking away, "you were doing good at first before you opened your mouth again" I yelled at him.

"Hey, come back! Hold on!" Robert pleaded and chased after me.

Crocodile Hunter | Robert Irwin Where stories live. Discover now