New year...

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it was a new year, acually 24 day into the new year, and I was feeling good. I would walk around the park with pride. people would stop me and ask me for a picture, ask questions about the animals.

I felt that the year was going to be good, and with that feeling, a smile was on my face. well that WAS how I was feeling.

this morning I had gotten up with a pounding headache. when I got out of the bed, I fell straight on my face, embarrassing right?

I shook it off and I told myself it was going to be a good day even if it didn't start of right.

After my little moment this morning, I walked to the kitchen were the Advil was to help with my headache, and my family were sat there, all at the table watching me with wide eyes at the state of me.

My pi pants were too long and were dragging, My shirt was a little bit higher then usual, and I was holding My head like I had been out drinking for a week straight.

I definitely wasn't feeling it today. But, of course, I told Myself self to push through it. Despite the fact, My ears were ringing and I felt a little dizzy.

I searched through the medicine cabinet, hoping to find the Advil. I threw things out of the cabinet. Which I'm pretty sure almost hit someone in the face. Did I care? No, I just needed Advil.

As I'm looking, slowly getting upset that I can't find any Advil, I feel two arms wrap around my waste and a head softly fall on my shoulder.

"what are you looking for, darling" Robert spoke in my ear, which did in-fact send chills down my spine.

"shhhhhhhh" I whispered, and put my hand to my head. "Don't shout please rob, you are making it worse" I pleaded and felt tears threaten to fall.

"are you high? It's very bad to smoke weed with animals around, Liv you live in a zoo, full of animals" My mum yelled.

"stop yelling stop, im not high, my ears are ringing and everything is extremely loud for my liking. On Top of that, my head is pounding and im trying to find the Advil, which I can't even find." I complained.

"Rob, do you know where the Advil is?" I whispered and turned to face rob and fell into his chest and nuzzled my head into his chest.

Unexpectedly I felt Robert's hands touch my face and move to my forehead. I was about to ask what he was doing until he beat me to it.

"Liv, you have a fever" He said with a worried tone and I saw a little bit of fear in his eyes for some strange reason.

"No I do not rob, I need Advil and rest and then I'll be set, I do not get fevers." I stubbornly said, I refuse to admit that I'm sick for no reason at all, I like being stubborn.

"Liv, you are the most stubborn person I know" Robert groaned and rubbed his face with his hands.

And you are cute, I thought but quickly shook those thoughts away. 

"Yeah so I've heard" I roll my eyes and start getting frustrated at the fact that I can't find any Advil, I swear we had some the other week.

I couldn't reach to open the last medical cabinet and as I was about to complain again I felt two strong arms sweep me off my feet and carry me bridal style, out of the bathroom and upstairs.

I literally wanted to shit myself there and then... ROBERT SEBASTIAN IRWIN WAS CARRYING ME UP THE STAIIIIIIIIIRS. Husband material FR FR FR.

"No rob, i Need the Advil, put me down" I wiggled about trying to get out of his grasp even though I didn't want to.

"Love, it's in my room, now I'm going to plop you into bed and I'll bring it to you." He demanded as he walked into my room.

'Love' that nickname again. He couldn't possibly like me could he?

As rob puts me on the bed, I ask him to go and grab shark along with the Advil, he goes and gets it and I wait patiently for him, alone with my thoughts.

He couldn't like me back could he? Would it be harmful if I made a move? Well I have stupid ideas so this couldn't be harmful to me if I did..

I'm interrupted by my thoughts as robert comes back in the room with shark and Advil, shark jumps up on the bed and lays next to me and Robert sits down on my bed and passes me Advil and water.

I place the Advil and water on the side and I just stare at Robert contemplating about if this is the right thing to do or not.

It probably isn't but oh well, YOLO I guess?

"Liv, the water and Advil won't disappear by themselves, I know I'm a good looking guy but no need to stare" he joked but his face fell to a worried one.

"Liv... are you okay?" He looked at me concerned.

I felt the tears threaten to fall and i felt my throat begin to dry.

"Rob, what I'm about to do... I'm going to hate myself forever for this." I choke out.

"Liv what do you mean? I don't under-" I cut Robert off by smashing my lips onto his and grabbing his face.

I was about to pull back until Robert forced me back into his lips.

Finally we pull away, both breathing heavily and we both laugh and giggle.

"Jesus Christ, I wasn't expecting that I thought I'd have to do the whole apology thing and then cry about how I ruined our friendship" I blurted out and I widen my eyes at Robert.

"Liv you have no idea how long I've waited to do that." He confessed. Yes I did shit myself at this.

"Wait rob, I just kissed you, you'll catch my fever.. shit I'm so sorry" I apologised

"It's okay my love, I also have a question for you" He said

"Before you even ask, yes" I said without hesitation

"Okay then... So I'm guessing we are, official?" He grins and starts to get up and walks towards my side of the bed.

"Yes we are, look you need rest, I need rest, we can speak about this properly in the morning, but I like you a lot" I cheesily say whilst grinning from ear to ear.

"Okay goodnight my love" Rob leans down and gives me a kiss and also shark a kiss before retreating back to his own room.

What a crazy and eventful day.

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