Unfortunate events

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It was day 3 of being in Africa and i had been recruited by bindi, though she had to fight Robert for me... she won of course!

We were off to have a girl day, learning more about the protection the black mambas do for the rhinos, and all species in Africa.

The mission for today was to walk around the tracks and in the grass for any traps.

Bindi ended up finding a big trap thats used to take down a rihno so the hunters could poach them. We looked at the trap in disbelief.

"We see this everday... And we never get used to it" felicia, one of the black mamba member says

"This is horrible" bindi said shaking her head

"Things like this break my heart" i said sadly as i held her heart. "This is just disgusting" I said, shaking my head.

I went up to the trap and started taking it apart, with the help of the girls.

We worked together to destroy the trap and place the traps scrap metal in the back of the trunk.

"It amazes me how so many people don't bother to understand the cruel actions that they contribute in... Damages and kills our earth. It's hurting our animals and our people" i said as we walked further into the grassy area.

"Its just saddening that it's true" bindi said, I nodded my head in agreement. The three cameramen following as well.

A shine had caught my eyes, stopping in my tracks. My sudden stop went unnoticed from the group of girls up ahead

My cameraman, Jonah, stopped to follow me while the other two followed bindi and the black mambas

I looked for where the shine had come from, walking in the direction as careful as possible

"Stay behind me" i told Jonah, " follow my tracks, I don't want you stepping off and getting hurt"

When we had reached the spot where i had saw the random shine, i was met with nothing in sight.

"Thats weird. I could have sworn I saw something over here" i turned and looked past the camera to Jonah, "stay here please"

I inspected the area close, looking at the trees to see if they have any hanging traps, taking my focus off the floor for a second.

I was met with nothing, spending a couple of minutes looking around my surroundings. I was determined to find what ever flashed me down whether it being a trap or a piece of trash, i was going to rid it.

A unsettling feeling formed in my stomach and i blindly took a step forward, a click sound made its way to my ear.

I froze in my spot not moving an inch. once i gained the courage to look down, panic set in as i saw the trap i had just stepped onto.

It had sharp metals around it in a circle, like a bear trap. The pressure of my foot was the only thing keeping it for clamping and cutting my foot off.

Though panic set in for me, i remained calm.
Realizing panic and tears would get me nowhere else but a hospital.

Forcing my tears away i looked up at Jonah, who had froze in shock too.

"Its okay" i said calmly through the fear, "just call bindi.. please" The only thing he could do was nod, taking a couple of seconds to pull out his walkey-talkey to call for the other two cameramen.

We have a situation, pass the walkey-talkey to bindi" he said shakily.

"Whats up?" Came bindi's voice. jonah stepped forward to hand the small radio to me.

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