Chap. 12 - In the Dark

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Once the doors of the secret laboratory were fully opened, Icarus signaled to the ship for Wag Too to shut it down. The Kestrel Nova's engines ceased to rumble across the wasteland, and utter silence he took over from the area. Only the wind echoing inside the endless dark corridor resounded in a chilling tone.

The lurmen hurried to abandon the ship and catch up with Icarus, who was standing, looking into the dark corridor, but with his processor analyzing data from his memory. (With mind elsewhere)

Wag Too: - Any problem? - He said after waiting a minute and seeing that the droid didn't react.

Ícaro: - I was checking my memory bank, and I found an improvised map of this place. However, it is not very accurate and there are many areas that do not appear on the plan. -

Wag Too: - So... Are we blind? -

Ícaro: - If we can turn the generator back on, there won't be any problems with the lights. -

Wag Too: - No. I meant... Forget it. - He said dramatically.

The pair entered the interior of the laboratory using flashlights to see through where they were going. Although the place was spacious, big enough for a little ship to enter, there were many teams and junk useless scattered around the place.

It didn't take long for them to walk through the huge main corridor, which also doubled as a storeroom. Although all the shelves were empty, they had indentations indicating that the activity in that place was quite heavy. Finally, they reached an even higher room, with enough space to accommodate several AT walkers. There were conduits running from one place to another on the walls, and right in the middle was a metal structure that looked like some kind of generator.

Wag Too: - This must be it. - He said as he opened a lid to access the interior.

The lurmen manipulated several mechanisms but nothing occurred. He even used various tools that he carried from the ship, but still the machinery seemed to not turn back on.

Wag Too: - Nothing. It's fried. - He said as he left the interior of the structure that contained the generator.

Icarus: - Do you know the reason? -

Wag Too: - The power cells are in good condition. And in a general sense, the machinery does not suffer damage beyond the wear and tear of time and lack of maintenance. But it seems that the problem is elsewhere. Besides Look at him He's too small to feed this whole place. - The droid tried to analyze a little more the map he had in his files.

Icarus: - Apparently there is a second lower level. But I only have the location of the elevators. -

Wag Too: - We must go to investigate. -

The elevators weren't very far, but there was a problem. Having no energy, they were of no use. They tried to locate stairs around, but couldn't find any. Something strange, but no one gave it too much importance. And with no other means to continue on his way, Icarus had to use his lightsaber to blast a gaping hole in the elevator doors.

The heavy metal plates of the doors fell away, revealing the inside of the elevator, but if they wanted to go down, they had to cut through the floor as well. Icarus had no knowledge of how to wield a lightsaber, but his robotic features allowed him to make two perfect holes big enough for both of them to fit through without needing to shrink too much. Although he took at least five minutes to complete the task.

As the droid sliced ​​through the metal piece on the elevator floor, there was a high-pitched screech as the metal scraped, and finally, the plate slid off until it began to fall to the floor empty. The lurmen peered into the hole curiously, until the mighty crash caused by the huge piece of metal hitting the ground made it recoil in fright.

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