Chap. 103 - The Last Farewell.

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Despite his emaciated state, Icarus was somehow able to keep himself functioning. His computer was active, but the signals it was receiving from around him were virtually impossible to process.

His optical sensors, apparently, suffered some kind of damage, and now he could only define silhouettes that came and went, as well as beams of light that disappeared dangerously close to where he was.

Its acoustic sensors saturated its memory with a deafening beep, as if its components had been separated by impact. Even so, he was capable of defining various sounds.

The roar of the blasters... The screams of a male voice, although what he was saying he was not able to understand exactly... The crying and wailing of a young woman.

He didn't know what was happening, but he was conscious when he was picked up and placed on a metal floor. His analysis told him that Loso Zeb had enough strength to do such a task, and he was probably the one who was shouting not far from his position. But... Foxley's voice was nowhere to be heard.

However, the electronic part of the droid seemed to work without problems. Something that could not be said of its physical parts. Its computations did its best to analyze and separate that chaotic amount of data it received, just to try to understand its environment. However, his surprise was bitter when he noticed a radio frequency that was still active.

Doom: - General? - The droid's voice resonated at a unique frequency.

Icarus: - Commander... Why are you still in Kergans' orbit? He was ordered to retreat. -

Doom: - Unfortunately... We cannot comply with such an order, general... I hope you can excuse this disobedience on my part. -

Icarus: - What happened? -

Doom: - Twelve Imperial cruisers orbit Kergans orbit. We are concentrating all our energy on defensive shields and tractor beams. In this way, the organic fighters had the possibility to leave the system. -

Icarus: - What... Are they still operational? -

Doom: - I regret to inform you that no, General. We've lost all the Vulture fighters... Typhoon and Lance included. And on the ground we can no longer receive the signal from TR-1. We will do our best to contain the Imperials... But you must hurry. -

Icarus: - Isn't there... Is there no way I can... escape the destroyers? -

A last act of hope... The hopes of a droid. A slight silence took over the communications channel, while Icarus worriedly waited for a response... A response that he longed for because his logical mind was wrong... But that was not the case.

Doom: - I'm sorry, general... But that is no longer possible. -

Icarus was not able to respond immediately. Everything was a disaster. The only thing he could think about was the crushing defeat. Trying to find the reason why the Imperials had arrived so quickly. Any spy among your ranks? The contact? Questions whose answers I might never be able to find. But he would like to know with all his being.

Doom: - General... - The voice of his subordinate took him out of his calculations. - We will resist as long as possible... But you must leave Kergans immediately. -

Icarus: - How much time do we have left? -

Doom: - Seven minutes and forty-two seconds. -

Icarus: - Understood... -

That was very little time. He couldn't waste even the smallest of seconds. His body was slowly recovering, since apparently the shock he received removed his cables a little. His sight was slowly beginning to return, and his auditory sensors were now able to hear more clearly. As well as his joints, which little by little began to do their job.

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